Chapter 10

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All the girls laughed! Cailey and Trevor went out, Ricky and Trisha went to film a video at school and Connor and Natalya left to go on a hike. That left JC and Sofia, Kian and Isabella, and Sam and Bailey. They were all watching a movie upstairs when the front door slammed open. It was Sam's house and he knew no one was suppose to be home. He took a quick look and saw it was a robber. He ran back up told everyone and they all thought they were going to die. Then one by one they came out the bedroom and ran into a room that had a lock on the door. Kian called the police. Isabella tripped while walking to the room and the robbers herd her. They came upstairs and Sofia, Bailey, Sam , and JC were not in the next room yet. They hid. The robbers saw Baileys foot and shoot her. The bullet went right in her leg. She screamed. Then Sofia screamed seeing the blood and the robber saw her he shot but JC went right in front of her. Sam then hit him in the head with a lamp and Kian and Isabella came running in. JC and Bailey were on the floor. JC shot on the arm and Bailey shot in the leg. The police arrived minutes later. Sam went with Bailey in the ambulance and Sofia went with JC. Isabella called everyone and they all raced to the hospital for the second time this month.

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