|10|Track It Down|

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The next morning, the green haired boy opened his eyes and stretched his arms. And like any other normal person who was kidnapped and being held captive by the Symbol of Evil and a bunch of villains, he looked around to see the time on his All Might themed alarm clock. But he furrowed his eyebrows when he saw nothing on the desk next to his bed.

He sat up straight and rubbed his eyes.

Oh yeah... He almost forgot.

"I'm not in my room, I'm in the villain's base..." He mumbled to himself as he replayed the previous events in his head. He was now in his new room. It looked pretty plain if you asked him. Well, everything looked plain without All Might to him and he was 100% sure that any of these people aren't gonna let him get some of All Might's merchandise.

He might playing a villain but it didn't means he was no longer All Might's number one fanboy. Ha, jokes on the villains for thinking otherwise. Now coming to think of being a fanboy, he had to get that limited edition All Might figure that wa—!

A knock on his bedroom door made him come out of his morning thoughts.

Kurogiri opened the door as soon as Midoriya said it was open. The man told him to get dressed and eat his breakfast because today would be his first session.

'Session?' Midoriya thought to himself. Regardless to say, he followed Kurogiri out.


After a while, the green haired boy found himself following Kurogiri down a flight of stairs that led them to the underground part of the building. On his way, he figured out it was about time when All For One used him for the real purpose he was kidnapped in the first place; providing quirks.

'Impatient.' Midoriya mentally noted down. A characteristic of the Symbol of Evil he had seen twice by now.

He just received the duplication quirk yesterday and he already was going to get started with taking quirks from him? Does Midoriya even have the quirks he required already? Perhaps he wanted a quirk that originally belonged to someone from UA? Or a Pro Hero Midoriya had interacted before? Could it be another villain? Or maybe a civilian too? Maybe Aizawa's? That could be really beneficial and if it was him in his place he would proba—!

"Is it a habit of yours?" Kurogiri asked.

Midoriya smiled awkwardly realizing that he was mumbling this whole time.

"Yeah... You can say that." Midoriya nervously chuckled.

"Well, here we are" Kurogiri stopped and pointed to a metal door in front of him, "He's waiting inside."

Midoriya only nodded as he walked in the room after Kurogiri left.

All For One was standing near a metal chair that certainly did not look very comfortable. A wicked grin appeared on his destroyed face as he saw the green haired boy.

Midoriya gulped.

It was safe to say he still felt a little scared near that man.


Endeavor had tracked down all five of the phone numbers, who they belonged to, last phone calls and current location.

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