|15|Screw The Rules|

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"Come now, Eri, I'll take you to a place where you can comfortably re-think your decision."

For a moment everything went black.

And the next thing Eri knew, she was surrounded by at least a hundred Nomus.

The villain brought her to the underground basement where they were keeping all the Nomus for the time being.

Now, being stared at by the enormous bio-engineered monsters, Eri stumbled to the ground, clenching her chest as her mind raced for the possibilities of what could happen next.

And as to reply her troubled expression, All For One spoke up, "Relax. They won't hurt you... Not for the time being at least. Anyways, now you have plenty of time to think about my proposal. Oh wait! Let me rephrase it for you real quick; serve me or join them."

"Wh-What...?" Eri looked at him with fearful eyes.

"You heard me. If you defy me or the League, you will be giving me all the more reasons to turn you into one of them. To turn you into a Nomu." All For One said, "And then, once you're a Nomu, you will naturally become an enemy of the society and a partner of violence! You won't be able to look at anyone for help instead of me. No one would come to your aid. The heroes would want to get rid of you for good. You'll be helpless without me. You're life will lose all it's meaning. You're only purpose will be to serve me.... So, won't it be better if you be a good girl and join me yourself?"

Eri didn't reply. The little girl only scowled at him, yet her bottom lip quivered.

"Alright then. You have a lot of time to think. I'll leave you here now." All For One slowly waved a hand, "And don't make me wait too long. You know what will happen if you do."

With that, the Symbol of Villain teleported out of the room. Leaving the girl with absolutely no clue about the exit. She wouldn't be able to escape. She didn't even know what this place was. She didn't know if the heroes would even come for her. She didn't know how much longer she had to stay there.

She was scared.

But she would act patient and still wait for someone to save her. She wouldn't give in to the villain's desires. She would never join the dark side. And those were her final decisions. Decisions she didn't want to re-think.

But right now, aside from what side she joins, the uneasy feeling never left her as one of the Nomus reached down to her and just stared at her, not doing anything. Eri, as well, froze in fear and stared at the mutated being.

Time seemed to move slower as Eri's wishes for help went on faster.

Nobody came for a seemingly long time.


The next day...

Aizawa didn't know the first thing about what was going on.

First Midoriya got taken away without any trouble. And Endeavor telling them the Commission was involved. Then the underground hero was told that the boy was killed. Next thing he saw was Mirio coming up to him, telling him Eri was missing. And now this...

Apparently, the book Endeavor got from 'The Commission' instructed that they have to form a team of Pro Heroes and raid a specific location that was hidden from the public to eliminate hundreds of troublesome Nomus.

Aizawa was okay with it till that part. No harm done. Just the Pros going on a mission.

The real problem arose when they added the fact that UA's Hero Course students would be going with them.

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