|2|Break Out|

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A few days after the quiet meeting the two members of the League of Villains had, their plan — or more specifically Shigaraki's plan was about to be put into action.

The day time went by just preparing for the first step of the big plan in the villain's head. The League of Villains were ready; each one of them on their own separate positions.

A day or two prior, Kurogiri the Warp-gate quirk user got captured by the Heroes. But it was a part of the big plan Shigaraki was one hundred percent sure would work. For now, Kurogiri was being held in Tartarus prison; the place where All For One, Stain and many other super villains were being kept. And that exact same prison was where Kurogiri's position was.

Next there were Mr. Compress, Toga and Twice. These three villains were hiding in the sidelines of the other end of the bridge which led straight to Tartarus prison — in a white van which was in control of Spinner.

According to the League's current boss, Shigaraki, they wouldn't basically need any type of combat but if they did then the League should be prepared. And they were prepared. Shigaraki, Dabi and new helper of the League; Gigantomachia were on their positions way afar from the rest. On a hilltop of an unknown location away from the city and the prison.

Their positions clarified their purpose; break out All For One.


Back at UA High, the students were preparing for the upcoming Cultural Festival. Their day ended with laughs and small talks every now and then.

But still, at the end of the day, Class-1-A had no idea what to do at the Cultural Festival. They were still stuck on what should they do that would be fun and relaxing for everyone.


As the clock strikes eleven and the night got quiet, the League of Villains made their first step.

With a little help, of course...

A little help from somewhere inside the Tartarus prison.

No, it wasn't All For One or Kurogiri.

Rather it was someone else.

Inside the enormous building of the prison located afar from the city, a man in a guard uniform, wearing a mouth mask, was seen walking towards the control panel.

Once reached his destination, the man entered the room without any trouble and saw another few guards sitting in the room, looking at the live security footages, doing their duty as usual.

But not for any longer...

"Hey you guys," the man said, "The boss said there's a disturbance going in in Sector-E. The cameras are down there and I'm pretty sure you can see that. You're asked to go take a look there."

One of the guards sitting there turned around, "Orders from?" He asked.

"Orders from me," the man replied, a sinister sneer on his face as he pointed at his badge that was on the left arm of his uniform.

He was the Assistant Chief. Well, at least that's what they thought.

Realizing this, the men sitting in the Control panel quickly moved out and towards the said sector to check the problem.

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