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He stirred.

Eyes closed, his head felt heavy. His tongue was stuck to the top of his mouth. A slight headache was still there. He could tell there was an IV connected to the back of his right hand. His muscles were stiff and there was a certain smell of medicines around him.

Even so, everything felt... Warm.

Midoriya woke up, slowly opening his eyes. He saw that he was in a white room and was wearing a hospital gown.

The previous events replayed in his mind. He was in Kyoto. He left Eri with Shinsou. He killed all the Nomus... And he defeated All For One. Now that one brought a smile to his face. The man who lived through generations by stealing quirks was now Quirkless. The irony.

Then the heroes must have found him and brought him to a hospital. They probably told UA who the Mastermind was too. But there was still room for a lot of explanations.

So yeah, he's probably getting another house arrest after this. He and Hatsume actually made a bet on if he would get house arrest after pulling the whole Mastermind thing. Looks like Hatsume was winning. Damn it.

The green haired boy tried to sit himself up. Of course, all his inner organs felt like they were being stabbed with each movement but, regardless, he managed.

After rubbing his eyes, Midoriya looked around. He was alone in the room.

'How long have I been out anyways...?' Midoriya thought.

The green haired boy was about to get up from the hospital bed to check around but just then, the door swung open.

"And look at this," Aizawa sighed as he entered the room, "Just woke up and already prepared to get up and go, huh? But then again, what else should I expect from UA's number one problem child?"

Midoriya just silently shifted himself back on the bed, fiddling with his fingers as he averted his gaze. Yeah, he was definitely getting house arrest.

"Come on, Aizawa. Not the time. Leave him alone." All Might came in, following the underground hero. The retired hero then immediately made his way next to the boy on the bed and placed a hand on his unkempt hair. He asked with concerned tone, "How are you feeling, my boy?"

"U-Um... Better, I guess?" Midoriya gave him a nervous smile. If there was one thing he didn't have a plan for that was how the hell he was going to explain everything to All Might and everyone else he didn't even give a clue about what he was going to do.

"Are you sure? You lost consciousness because of blood loss. And there were several severe internal injuries too. Recovery Girl came to heal you up yesterday so there won't be any serious problems." All Might said.

Aizawa added, "And she looked pretty pissed if you ask me."

"That's... Not good." Midoriya chuckled, "How long was I out for though?"

"Four days. The team of heroes that went to Kyoto found you a little away from the Nomu plant with All For One. You were both unconscious when they arrived." Aizawa replied, folding his arms over his chest.

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