Chapter 9: Escaping

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Samuru's POV

After one month of training...

"I'm exhausted." I told Dravise. "When are we going to actually break out?" "How about tomorrow?" He suggests. Wow. I'm actually gonna get out tomorrow. After three and a half months. I couldn't help but start whooping.

The next day...

The floor opened up as usual and the table rose. This time, it had four pieces of bread, with a packet of butter beside it. I quickly stuffed it into my pocket. When the table clicked and started to go down, I jumped down with it. I held Dravise up in case there was anyone.

The table stopped in a pitch black room. Not having a light source meant I had to feel around blindly for an exit (or a light switch) while holding Dravise up to defend against any attacks. And that was no easy feat given my condition. "Dravise, can you find an exit?" I ask him.

"Yes. Its to your right." Dravise answers me. I had an uneasy feeling in my stomach. There should, at least be some guards. Unless my kidnapper thinks I won't escape, or is working alone...or...

I enter a well lit room with an exit sign over the door. Dravise rolls his eyes. "Seriously?"

"Be careful Dravise. I think this is a trap." I mutter to him. "We don't really have a choice if we wanna escape." Dravise tells me. I nod and push open the door.

I find myself in a equally well lit room with...a table with the Deluxe Break Bomber 7. "They want a match?" I wonder to myself.

"Looks like it. But who do we fight?" Dravise ask no one in particular.

"Me." A voice answers. A boy walks out from the door. Dark blue hair tied into a small ponytail. Yellow vest. Hell that boy...looks just like me. "If you win, you can get out. If you lose..." He trailed off. "I don't need to know." I interrupted me.

"Very well. Let's begin." He places his B daman on the table. I did the same. "B shots, ready, aim, Fireblast!" We called at the same time. "Let's go! Sonic Dravise!" I yell, starting to fire at the bombs. When I aimed at the furthermost target, I sharp pain shot up my arm and my shot missed the bomb. "Go! Dark Dravise!" My opponent say and started doing rapid fire.

"No way..." I gasped and took a good look at his B daman. It was...the exact same as mine! Only the body parts were blood red. Not possible. "Who are you?" I shout at the boy. He laughs quietly and looks up.

"Samuru Shigane. I'm your future." I frown. He snaps his finger. The world around my seemed to get colder. Three figures appear on the floor. No way... Ricki! Kamon? Reigi! "You did this to them... Or you will. This is your future. You can't change it." I reeled inwardly.

Is that true? Will I do that? "No! I won't. This is fake!" I yelled at him. He laughed. The game was two to two. "You're too weak to change your future. Look at you. Desperately trying to escape reality."

Both our gauntlets charged up. "Sonic Tornado Strike!"

"Sonic Void Strike!"

"Bring down the storm, Sonic Dravise!" I yelled and fired my special shot.

"Show them the darkness, Dark Dravise!" My opponent said. A tornado formed, crackling with dark energy. I tensed and started to fire more shots. Pain shot up my arm and my shooting faltered again. Enough for my opponent's shot to get through.

I watched the move that I had worked so hard to master shoot towards me, carrying a red bomb with it.

When it made contact, I didn't feel anything. I only saw darkness. Something broke. I gave up, letting the darkness take me. "Go on." I muttered. I had nothing left. I closed my eyes and drifted off.

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