Part 22: get up sir Colby for i have a suprise for thy

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i wake up the next day still with my brother in Florda, i was gonna be here for one more week. i thought very hard about the Colby situation and it's not really his fault...right. i decide to call him. it doesint even get 1 ring in before he answers

over the phone:

skyler: hey colbs

colby: hey! so whats you decision

skyler: well lets just say you lucky i love you colbs, i forgive you but no more chances

colby: you wont forget it baby i promise

you smile

skyler: alright talk to you later bye colebear

colby: bye i love you

skyler: bye i love you too.

you hang up and get ready for the day to hang out with your brother.

time skip to a week because otherwise its boring.

you get on the plane to go back to los angeles. your excited to see everyone. youve texted sam a little bit and colby thinks your coming home in 2 days. sam is picking you up to suprise colby. after the pretty short plane ride you grab your one suitcase (the only one you brought) and get of the plane when you see sam standing by his car. you say hi and get in. you guys decided that you would wait in the driveway and sam would go get colby saying theres a suprise.  All the room mates new so they were all excited according to sam its all they talk about when colbys not there. you guys got to the trap house and you waited in the center of the driveway, simmetrical with the door. you waited there anxiously with your hands behind your back as you see corey,elton,devyn and aaroun looking out from an upstairs window making you giggle.

                                                                         sams perspective: 

i walk in the house walking up to colbys room barging in without knocking "get up sir colby for i have a suprise for thy" i say in a joking manor holding my arms to escort Colby out the door. he chuckles and rolls his eyes getting out of bed. "whats the suprise?" colby asked. "well what do you want most" i asked him. he looks at the ground and softly smiles "for skyler to facetime me" i almost laugh out loud "i got you something 10 times better now hurry up" i get Colby to the door and make him cover his eyes. i open the door and motion skyler to come closer. she steps and inch away from Colby as i tell Colby to remove his hand. he looks and his face brights up. he engulfs skyler in a hug picking her up and there both giggling. i smile and take a picture on my phone sending it to Colby for later cause he loves to save memories. i see them hugging on the ground fallen over and Colby is slightly crying from excitment. ive never seen him so honestly happy. i think skyler is the one for him and eventually it will happen, hopefully.


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