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you wake up from colby getting up. all the other roomates are already awake. you get up and follow colby to the kitchen. you guys ordered pizza last night. colby goes to microwave his pizza and you just eat yours cold "you eat you leftover pizza cold" colby said. you roll your eyes and shrug. you fill 1/4 of a cup with water and throw it at colby getting the back of his shirt wet.  he turns around with his jaw dropped. colby turns the sink on and moves the faucet to splash you, getting your hair wet, the water was cold and made you jump. you grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and hid it behind your back. "ok fine truce' you say walking over to colby. right before you hug him you dump the whole water bottle on top of his head. he laughs a evil, kinda hot laugh and starts chasing you. you scream and run to the other room, colby close behind you. the roomates watch the chase and laugh. you run upstairs to colbys room. colby comes in right after you. he picks you up over his back like a kidnapper. you cant stop laughing. you  hitting colbys arm and telling him to stop as he carries you down the stairs laughing. colby starts bringing you out to the pool "colby no don't you dare" you say. colby throws you in the pool and you scream before you hit the water. you grab a water gun and squirt colby in the butt before he gets inside. "you piece of garbage" colby sprints to the pool and dives in. he swims under you and puts you on his shoulders. "CHICKEN FIGHT" sam yells from inide. sam, elton, corey and devyn all jump in the pool, sam gets on elton shoulders and devyen gets on coreys. you guys all chicken fight sam and elton usually winning. every time you fell colby would grab your hand. it made you feel happy. you guys get out of the pool after about an hour. sense that was your only pair of clothes at the trap house and you didint want to leave colby let you borrow some grey, really comfy sweatpants and a black nirvana t-shirt.  "you know im never giving these back right" you say. colby just laughs. "thats fine" "good" you say in a joking way. colbys just in shorts and you keep catching yourself staring at his body. "wanna watch a movie in here on my laptop?" colby asks "sure" you say already getting under the covers in his bed. colby grabs his laptop and you guys watch 𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳. colby puts his arm around your shoulder. your head is rested on his bare chest and you wish you could be there forever. you loved that colby loved to watch teen romance movies like you, but you were not really watching the movie at this point your think about colby when your inturupted by the door opening. colby pauses the movie with the hand thats not around your shoulder. sam was the one at the door "hey sam" you say. "hey my favorite couple, me and the boys were going bowling togather and wanted to know if you wanted to come, both of you" "no thanks" colby said. which made you really happy that he put you first. sam leaves and you and colby finish the movie. "alright i should go home and film i have to post tomorrow" colby just groans like a little kid "don't go please" colby begs grabbing your hand to get you to go back to laying down. "fine" you say. you lay back down with colby and you could tell he was tired. you ruffled with his hair and turn your back. your head was on colbys arm and his other hand was wrapped around your torso. you went on your phone because you were not that tired yet because it was only 8:30 pm. you dont know how colby was tired. you were just on instagram which you usually do when your bored. "what are you doin" colby said in a tired voice. you face torwards colby to see his cute tired face. "i was just on instagram" he nods closing his eyes again. you play with his hair with your head on his chest when you hear the door open, the room mates must be back home. you hear colbys door open to corey. you sit up and hand motion that colbys asleep. corey nods a quietly shuts the door. you lay back down and you can see colby smile in his dream. you giggle and go to sleep. 

A/U: almost 1000 words in this parts ik they have been short recently, this chapters really sweet but it wont be like that for long, stay tuned

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