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Percy walked towards Uzotl menacingly, his steps creating literal craters on the road. His orange CHB shirt was replaced, turning into a regal yellow tunic, his shoes turning into his signature combat boots. The gods were looking at the sudden explosion of power with wide eyes, even Merlin who was Percy's best friend was shocked at the sudden discovery. Percy clutched the twin swords, his knuckles turning white from the pressure.

"Motherfucker." Merlin exclaimed with a small smile.

"How?!" Uzotl asked with wide eyes, stepping back a little from shock. Percy was silent as he stalked Uzotl with a deadly glow of silver and gold.

"No matter, I'll deal with you-" He was cut off almost instantly as a golden sword collided with his midnight black one. Uzotl grunted at the sudden force of the attack. Percy's eyes were fixated onto the primordial, his eyes blazing with hatred. Percy's movements to the blind eye seemed nothing but blurs of colours, even Uzotl himself was having a hard time keeping track of him.

Percy kept sending slashes upon slashes, attack after attack. He was going full force, Percy steadied his grip and sent multiple slashes from the twin swords, each of them being blocked by the primordial. Uzotl jumped back, panting from exhaustion. It took every ounce of energy from the primordial to avoid getting hit, Percy's attack seemed to be lightning fast.

Percy surged forward, not giving the primordial any time to rest, he clutched Excalibur and sent a large slash towards Uzotl, he widened his eyes and raised his sword, barely able to block Excalibur. The impact sent the primordial flying. Percy rushed over and slashed at the primordial, using Caliburn to send attack after attack. Uzotl gasped in pain as each attack collided, the silver sword producing slash after slash at speeds that seemed impossible.

Uzotl rolled out of the way, avoiding the barrage. The primordial readied his sword and slashed, a black smoke like slash flying towards Percy. He raised his two swords to block the attack, the impact sending him stumbling for a bit. Uzotl turned to Percy, curious, his mind clicking at the effect.

He however did not have the time to think as Percy was instantly behind him, slashes erupting from the demigod, both yellow and silver. Uzotl widened his eyes and managed to block half of it, the rest connected, Uzotl gasped in pain as searing silver light slashed at the primordials body, black blood leaking on the ground, the blood of primordials. Percy clutched both of his swords as Percy's attacks seemed to speed up as time went on.

Slowly, each slash became faster and faster, for every slash that connected, his speed seemed to increase. Uzotl took note of this and rolled out of the way, gasping as another wound appeared on his shoulder. Uzotl placed his hand on the wound and healed it, although it did cost him some power, at least he wasn't dead. Percy was relentless at his endless barrage of attacks, it just kept coming and coming.

Uzotl was pushed to the defensive, he didn't know what to do, he was quite literally trapped. It was checkmate. Uzotl slashed, smoke coming from his sword and making a slash. Percy widened his eyes and blocked, sending him flying towards the nearest lamp post.

Percy groaned, shaking his head from the sudden daze. Percy stood up and stared at Uzotl who had a small grin on his face.

"You can't use it can you?" Uzotl asked, a smug look on his face. Percy gritted his teeth, glaring at the primordial.

"Your actions says it all." Uzotl added.

"You can't use Excaliburs power whilst holding Caliburn." Uzotl explained, as Percy kept glaring at him.

Curse of the Hero - Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now