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Percy kept staring at the girl, he didn't know why, but he just did, he couldn't take his eyes off her, literally. Eventually she managed to take notice and awkwardly gulped, snapping Percy out of his trance, his head was aching all of a sudden. Percy shook it off and turned towards her.

"Are you alright?" Guinevere asked with a raised eyebrow, Percy nodded, albeit a little woozy from his sudden headache, as soon as it came, it instantly vanished, disappearing out of nowhere.

"You seem a bit out of it." Guinevere stated, Percy shook his head, trying not to cause any unnecessary attention to himself, Percy merely shook it off, scratching the back of his head in slight embarrassment.

"Anyway, see you, I'm going to head to the kip if you don't mind me." Guinevere said, smiling one last time and align away. Percy smiled a little, feeling blood rush through his cheeks, Percy shook it off as the doing of the cold weather. Percy walked throughout the castle, going multiple floors until reaching a certain one, a cellar door decorated on the entrance with gold rimming around it, making it seem grand.

Percy sighed, he never wanted it to be grand, or anything special, he just wanted it to be a normal, sleeping quarters where he could rest, but no, they had to do it with gold rims, which by the way was a waste of resources. Percy sighed, he can't do anything about it. Percy opened the door slowly, shutting it without any sound, careful not to wake up any of the neighboring people.

His room was directly next to Arthur's and the other royalties, the only reason he decided to stay and use this room was because he was next to his best friend, otherwise, he would've chosen a more normal and discrete room, Percy turned towards his own room, seeing a king sized bed. Multiple desks and bookshelves, filled with a multitude of books. The room was lit gently by candlelight giving it a small glow, providing the room with at least some warmth from the cold weather outside, and finally, a balcony that hung over the edge, overlooking a small garden that only the royalties could go to.

Percy went to his bed, instantly plopping down onto it, he wasn't usually the type to not remove his boots when sleeping, but he was tired, the moment his head hit the pillow his mind instantly blanked, his consciousness leaving, black suddenly overcoming his peripheral vision in a matter of seconds, the knighting and everything took a toll on the demigod.

The Next Day

Percy awoke, stretching his semi sore limbs, Percy immediately sat upright, instantly regretting it, figuratively transporting himself into another dimension, the sudden jolting and sitting upright caused Percy's vision to go temporarily black, his eyes adjusted in a few seconds, finally getting used to the sunlight. Percy yawned, walking to the balcony, feeling the cool winter wind brush up against him, there were patches of snow littered across Camelot, giving it a nice serene feeling.

Percy turned towards the small garden, surprising himself when he saw someone randomly picking some berries, said person was just enjoying the air and their surroundings. Percy couldn't identify who it was, the balcony was too far up for Percy to see his or her face. He couldn't even identify their gender, but one this was for sure, they were royalty, even the Nobles weren't allowed in the garden, only royalty.

Percy sighed looking at his drawer, all his stuff was already there, he used to live in an inn, but now, he was living inside the castle, Arthur once gave Percy a room in the castle, but Percy turned it down, now, he had no choice, if you were knighted, you needed to stay inside the castle, and protect the royal family, whatever the cost, it was foubled over the fact that Percy was the royal families personal guard, Percy was duty bound to do it.

Curse of the Hero - Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now