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Percy looked at her, obviously startled by her sudden appearance, she just randomly jumped out of nowhere, claiming to be his mentor. Percy knew she was telling the truth when he spotted a badge that was meant for only generals, mentors were generals, they weren't trainees, or recruits, they had to have at least a three months in the crusade to be a mentor and be a general. To be a general though, you needed to prove yourself and go on multiple runs and patrols, and you needed to have at least three months of experience in the crusade to be a general.

Percy sighed a little, looking at her, his shock diminishing slowly. She had Amber eyes that seemed to glow in the sunlight, her hair a soft brown, her skin a fairly light complexion. She wore a simple purple shirt embroidered with crusader designs, Percy learned in the orientation that whenever out of battle, you could wear whatever you want, as long as it has decency. Percy turned towards her raising his eyebrows towards her.

"Come on, follow me, we'll go to the arena, it seems to be a bit crowded here." She said looking around, seeing multiple people training and working hard. Percy nodded, still silent, not speaking a single word, as if he could. Percy followed her inside the arena, walking up the stone stairs and opening the big double wooden doors, the doors themselves making creaking sounds.

Percy walked beside her, looking around the arena, the arena itself wasn't the traditional arena, there were wooden bleachers elevated at a certain level, encircling a square platform on the ground, the floor itself made of newly polished wood, Percy turned towards his trainer, looking at her with a confused face. She turned towards Percy having a bright smile, her face showing excitement.

"So, I haven't properly introduced myself." She said trying to catch a breath, as if overly excited.

"I'm Edeline, and as you know, I'm your mentor, there's no need for all the ma'am' and all that, I feel old when people call me that." She said, chuckling a little, turning towards Percy.

"And you are Percival, correct?" Edeline asked, turning to Percy. He nodded in return.

"That's a cool name, but I'm not going to touch on it too much." Edeline said.

"Now, how good are you with a sword?" Edeline asked. Percy though about it, deciding whether or not to go full on truth, to lie and start anew, or in the middle. Percy decided for the middle option, turning towards her and giving her a small pinching gesture, as if conveying that he had at least some combat experience.

"So, you know how to wield a sword, but not skilled at it?" She asked, Percy nodded.

"Alright then, we can kick this thing into high gear fast." She said, slowly grabbing a sword from one of the racks, it was a wood carved as a sword for practice beginners. Percy nodded, grabbing one of the swords and turning toward her, he wanted to know how they fight, Percy did that with the Celtic fighting style, and that became his go to fighting style.

"So, how about a friendly spar, after that, we can move on from there and improve on what you're missing." She said with a soft smile.

"You've got to excuse me, I'm quite bad at teaching, this is my first time actually." She said turning towards Percy, her Amber eyes locking onto his golden ones. That was one of thing Percy again noticed, he still retained his appearance from Camelot, the same brown hair, the pale complexion, and the golden eyes. Percy grew accustomed to it, other than that, nothing much has changed, except his build of course. Before it was a lean swimmer, now it was semi slim, Percy remembered Merlin telling him about his curse burning away any excess calories, in turn giving Percy a fairly slim build.

"Now, are you ready?" She asked, Percy nodded. She instantly charged, grabbing her wooden sword and making a slash towards Percy, Percy widened his eyes in surprise and raised his wooden sword in retaliation, the sound of wood hitting wood was heard, making a small thuck sound from the contact. She instantly reeled back, slowly walking around Percy as if observing his stance.

Curse of the Hero - Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now