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Percy stood at the front of the room, the door behind him, looking at his mentor with a nervous look, she was looking towards Percy, expecting an answer. Percy gulped nervously, looking at her, he was just as confused as she was, Percy didn't know why she was here.

"What are you doing in my quarters?" She asked turning towards Percy. Percy didn't know what to answer, Percy grabbed his keys and looked at the number, Percy opened the door and looked at the number on the door. It was the same, Percy didn't understand what was happening. Percy grabbed his keys and tossed it towards Edeline. She grabbed the keys mid air, looking at the keys with an eyebrow raised, examining it.

"Oh, so you're my roommate, I've been wondering when you'd arrive." She said, Percy raised an eyebrow, confused as to what was happening.

"Oh, they didn't tell you." She said.

"Well, each room has around two beds for extra space conservation, the upper class told me that I would have a roommate, I just wondered when he or she would arrive." She explained, Percy nodded, looking at the ground.

"We'd best get adjusted, anyways it'd be fun." She said with a small smile, Percy nodded giving a salute, it was stated in the orientation that when you meet a mentor, or if they give an order, you should always salute. Edeline rolled her eyes, turning towards Percy waving her hand dismissively.

"Don't do that, I hate salutes, also, stop being so uptight, we're going to be roommates for gods knows how long." She said, lying down in her bed, looking at the ceiling. She turned towards Percy, his keys in her hands.

"Oh also, here." She said, tossing the keys towards Percy. Percy grabbed the keys, looking at her with a raised eyebrow. Percy sighed, going to his bed and plopping down on it, looking at the ceiling, thoughts circulating in his mind. Percy was confused as hell, he didn't know what was happening, Percy was mostly winging it, just going with whatever was happening. Percy turned towards his side, seeing his Camelot sword on top of the drawer, his Royal guard tunic tucked inside the drawer.

"Also, want to go to the diner feast later?" Edeline asked out of the blue, sitting at side of her bed. Percy raised an eyebrow, looking at her, not knowing what she meant.

"You know, there's the breakfast feast, lunch feast, and diner feast?" She asked raising en eyebrow, Percy nodded.

"So, want to go?" She asked, Percy nodded, giving a small thumbs up, she smiled.

"Nice, anyways, meet me here in his room at around six, I need to do a few things before that." She said, standing up and exiting the room. Percy sighed, rubbing his temples. Percy estimated it was around about four, Percy still had a few hours left before he needed to go with Edeline. Percy remembered Wymer, his first friend in the crusades coming into Percy's mind.

Percy decided to pay him a visit. Percy stood up a little, giving a small yawn and opening the door, going out and locking it. The hallway was empty, not even one Teutonic Knight in sight, Percy guessed they were either asleep from the training, or just exploring the city. Percy guessed it was the latter. Percy walked down the spiral stone staircases, going to the front of the building and opening the door, leaving the building to go search for his friend.

Percy wandered the city, still not knowing what the city name was. Percy looked at the buildings, searching for the Sepulcries, surprisingly, Percy found them quite easily. Percy walked into their training area, seeing multiple recruits clutching their bows and shooting, each one missing from their inexperience with a bow. Percy shivered, remembering the first time he used a bow, he managed to hospitalize the person behind him, how do you even manage to hit someone behind you.

Curse of the Hero - Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now