One Little Wish [8]

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I just wanted to say that I'm really happy for all the heart warming comments and support that each and every one of you gave ! Every little bit counts and rmb, don't stop reading! I'm also glad to have new fans ! Thank You So Much ! ILYGUYS :D

>> angentpenguin :D


"Tobi AND Devin!" Mrs.Lockart announced.

ERGH! Mrs.Lockart had told me earlier that something like this might happen.

"You see, there might be two Princes, and you MIGHT need to give out two kisses."

I still can't believe it though!

I was complaining in my head while the crowd went silent. Tobi looked mad, but Devin seemed satisfied. Devin cheered for himself, and Tobi kept silent. Then something funny happened..

All the girls in the room started slowly chanting, "Re-match! Re-match! Re-match!"

I guess they wanted to keep Devin all for themselves. I was relieved in a way though.. For some reason it felt like Devin only wanted to kiss me so he could boast about it. But Dave would never do something like that.. He has to be Dave though..

"Alright, we'll have another re-match and this will be the final one. If this one ends up as a draw as well, we can't do anything about it." Mrs.Lockart said while sounding annoyed. She sure loves to stir up drama doesn't she?

"For this round, we'll let the 'Beauty' choose the race" Mrs.Lockart said.

Fuck, she didn't even give me a heads up. "Uhhm.." Lets see.. must be something to help me figure out who Dave is..

"I'll give you each 2 minutes to try to make me laugh. The only method you could use is by telling me a joke." I only found one joke funny, so this was going to be challenging. Besides, only Dave knows about it.

"It's not fair. Since you and Tobi are friends, he has an advantage." Devin complained.

"She's not that type of person." Tobi backed me up. He shot Devin a glare. I mentally thanked Tobi in my mind. I have to treat him for dinner some day.

Mrs.Lockart interupted them, "Alright, fine. We'll change things up a little. Instead of you guys telling her a joke, you're going to write it down on a piece of paper. That way, she won't know who wrote what."

The crowd murmured, and seemed to have settled with agreement. Oh well, Dave would still win this.

Mrs.Lockart rearranged the chair I sat on, and turned it 180 degrees. I sat back down, and I could feel my back towards a huge audience. I noticed that I was facing bright red curtains with the word "love" printed all over it. Cute.

They were still discussing, and apprently they were going to compete at the same time. Everyone seemed to have finally got things pinned down, and the last round started.

Tick. I heard the stopwatch ticking, that meant the race started. Half a second later, and I had paper shoved towards me on both sides of my arm. I decided to read the right side first since it was a right hander's instinct. The piece of paper read, "Why did the chicken cross the road? Because he was dared to!" Er .. I was never a fan of chicken jokes. I decided to give my left handed side a shot and read the paper. It turned out to be the same joke. FAIL. There were more pieces of paper shoved towards me, so I decided to alternate reading sides.

Right side : What is the fruitiest lesson?

History, because it's full of dates!

Left side : What language do they speak in Cuba?

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