One Little Wish

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LPA - Losetry Private Academy // OPA - Ophia Private Academy


Bring Bring.

My IM chat popped up.

Dave : Hey Val, how was your day?

Ahh.. Dave, I met him online half a year ago, I accidently added him on Facebook and mistaken him for my former boyfriend, Eric. Not my fault they looked alike (both had a cap display picture). He replied with a bunch of question marks, and it was pretty darn embarrassing. For some odd reason though, he doesn't tell me anything about him. Until now, all I know is that he lives in my city, Hidson, and we're both16. Sometimes I get paranoid, and think he's some crazy psycho stalker and only after my information, but who knows? I get lonely sometimes, and he listens to me, it all works out just fine, and we're really close now. I started slowly typing on my keyboard until my cell phone rang. I was caught off guard, and jumped. I also managed to spill coke all over my homework. Great! There goes my language report. I sighed, and grabbed a few tissues and started dabbing my essay like mad hoping that my smudged writing would clear up somehow. After the third ringtone, I hesitated before answering the phone. I slowly flipped open my cell phone and pressed the mini green button.


"Good evening, I'm Principal James calling from Losetry Private Academy, and I'm looking for Valerie Hankins." an old man replied.

Why's this old geezer looking for me? And from Losetry too? I don't even go there!

"Uhm, that's me. May I ask for the reason of this phone call ?"

"My apologies, hello Miss Hankins. I'm calling to congratulate you on being chosen for the exchange program!"

I don't recall any exchange programs..

"Sorry, but what are you talking about?" He probably got the wrong Valerie Hankins.

"Oh, well, every year, one student from Losetry Academy and Ophia Academy in the eleventh grade is chosen to exchange positions for half a year. The board of education decided that this would be beneficial by exposing the chosen ones to different environments. Of course this would be helpful to you in future situations." He said.

Darn it, I should really pay attention in class more often. I literally face palmed. I don't want to go!

"I see.." was all I choked out.

He chuckled, "I'm looking forward to seeing you, and I hope you'll have a great time! Pleasure meeting you."

"Same to you Mr.James." I clicked the red button on my cell. The phone call ended. Hmm.. Losetry..

Bring Bring.

Dave: Hello ?! Val ?

Shit, I forgot to reply. And my poor assignment! It's due tomorrow too. *Sigh* Life sucks.

Val_kins: Sorry, got caught up in some stuff. And school was fun today, me and Tess went out for lunch at an all you can eat sushi buffet <3 you?

Dave: PIGS! And nothing big, but we're having this exchange program at my school.

I was shocked. It wouldn't be that big of a coincidence right? Probably not. I won't say anything for the time being.

Val_kins: REALLY? Cool. So what kind of school do you go to?

Dave always avoids questions about him. I've asked at least 100 times, but I don't mind making it 101 times.

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