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❌Things To Avoid❌

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الحـمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آلـه وصحبه ومن والاه

We should all remember that the real meaning of fasting is not only giving up food and drink, rather Allaah, may He be exalted, has enjoined fasting in order that we may attain piety (taqwa). Hence real fasting means refraining from sin by refraining from it and giving it up; this is the fasting of the heart, not just the fasting of the body.

Set a goal for yourself in Ramadan which you will do your best to achieve... Let that goal be to save yourself from Hellfire and to enjoy Allah’s pleasure and salvation during that noble month... And in order for you to achieve that lofty goal,, you will have to stop many things in the month of Ramadan.. Yes.. Some of which include:👇

1⃣ Watching TV 📺 and playing cards:

Those who are fasting and other Muslims should fear Allaah with regard to what they do and what they refrain from doing at all times, and they should beware of that which Allaah has forbidden of watching indecent movies which show things which Allaah has forbidden, such as pictures of naked and semi-naked people and evil words,; the same applies to things that appear on TV which go against the laws of Allaah, such as images,, songs,, musical instruments and misleading advertisements. 

Every Muslim,, whether he is fasting or not,, should be beware of playing with cards and Ludo,, because of what that involves of witnessing evil and doing evil,, and because it also leads to hard-heartedness,, sickness in the heart and lack of respect for Allaah’s laws and finding what Allaah has made obligatory to be burdensome,, such as praying in congregation and other obligatory duties, and falling into many haraam things.

2⃣. Arguing over the Hilal or moonsighting:

The Islamic, or Hijri, year, like the Jewish year, is based on the lunar calendar.. The lunar year is about 11 days shorter than the Gregorian year,, and that is why Ramadan keeps moving earlier and spans all seasons.

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic year.. The lunar month starts by the birth of a new moon.. The birth of a new moon can be determined by moonsighting by naked eye,, telescopes, or by scientific calculations.. The beginning of the month may be different from country to country based on geography..  The majority of Muslim scholars are with the opinion that Muslims, living in one country or throughout the world, should start and end the month together.

But some disagree and follow other criteria with varying degrees of flexibility or rigidity.. Many Muslims spend hours arguing whether Ramadan started or ended based on which criteria,,, often with minimal knowledge of the topic.. Don’t waste time arguing about this issue... Leave it to the experts. Instead,, focus on starting your month on a strong footing... Set certain achievable goals for you and your family.. Learn something that may benefit yourself and your community and avoid the unnecessary knowledge.

3⃣. Cheating, lying, backbiting, gossiping, slandering, false accusations, or spreading rumors:

Social media has made it easy to spread all kind of rumors and falsehoods.. Quitting the pleasure of tasting food and water is the minimum of fasting,, but what is more important is quitting what may ruin relationships and weaken ties within your family and the community.. Those who lie and hurt other people while fasting gain nothing but thirst and hunger.. Yes.. Backstabbing, gossiping, and spreading falsehood is likened to the eating of flesh of a cadaver in the Quran.

4⃣. Getting angry, insulting others and losing control:

Self-control is one of the main goals of fasting... It is probably a very effective method to sharpen our tools and increase our resilience.. By improving our resilience,, we are better equipped to deal with stress.

That is why fasting was prescribed and practiced in many faith traditions.. Fasting should make us humble,, down to earth,, kind, and compassionate.

Ramadan should teach us patience and tolerance when we are insulted or provoked.. It is not an excuse for venting or violence.. If you have a problem with anger,, fasting might be one of the tools to manage it.

Allah Alone Knows Best


'''Oh Allah!
As we commence the fasting of Ramadan on this blessed Friday, we pray that You -
Accept all our sallah, fast, prayers, prostrations and rukus;
Make us amongst those to be pardoned and shown your mercy;
Grant us relief & ease from stress, burdens, disease, & Covid-19 pandemic;
Make us steadfast in worship, dhikr and recitation of the holy Qur'an;
Bless our parents, family, friends and all the Ummah; and
Admit us to Jannatul Firdaus...Amin!


                Don't forget to read suratul khaf💞💕

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