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Assalamu Alaykum was Rahmatullah everyone 🫶

🔖Prayer is about connection and conversation with the one who created you.we are called to pray not only beacuse we want or need something from Allah, but because we are grateful for all that we have already been given,know that Allah always answers our prayers whether or not we find his response

_In the Quran Allah says, "Remember me and I will remember you"not because Allah will forget us if we forgot him, but rather because when we magnify Allah,by association we magnify and honour ourselves as creation of Allah._

We are back again 🥲
Who missed me?👀
I know you all do 🫠🤭
Anyway, we are back and will try to be updating constantly InShaAllah🤍
.    So don't forget to like, comment and Share InShaAllah
Jazakumullah khair🤍
Assalamu Alaykum🫶

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