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*Longing for Duniya - Forgetting the reality of the Hellfire*
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How do we rest?
We all know about Hellfire and its punishments and we all know about Qiyamah and its chaos and Jannah and its Rewards.
So how do we find rest and comfort knowing that
Qiyamah is coming.
Hellfire is waiting in ambush on an easy road.
Jannah is waiting, welcoming after the difficult path.
We all like to say _"This is what I'll do in Jannah"_ etc etc.
But Reflect,
How do you expect to enter the same Jannah as Umar ibn Al Khattab, Abu Bakr As Siddiq, Sumayyah, Fatimah رضي الله عنهم without doing a fraction of what they did?
We sit laughing and joking idle and wasteful when Umar رضي الله عنه would belittle himself for not doing enough.
When Abu Bakr رضي الله عنه would cry that he wished he had never been born.
And these were the people who were given glad-tidings in the Dunya by Muhammad ﷺ himself!
But Wallahi we should not feel as if we cannot aspire to be like the Righteous Predecessors.
We should always aspire to be like Muhammad ﷺ and his companions because they were the best, and the best is only what we want for ourselves.
As Allah said after describing Tasneem and Jannah in Surah Mutaffifin

*وَ فِيْ ذٰلكَ فَلْيَتَنَافَسِ الْمُتَنَافِسُوْنَ*

_So for this let the competitors compete._
Shaytaan sits on the path of righteousness and waits in ambush,
Hellfire will be beneath Sirat and will ambush those crawling on it because they fell short in the Dunya.
This is why we must be strive to make use of our lives in Dunya.
Never feel complacent with the Deeds, never get complacent with Allah.
Then we feel we have enough to get to Jannah and Shaytaan creeps in and we slack off, we do less and we end up losing it all.
Remember this Ayah and Fear Allah!
Allah says in the Qur'an in Surah Naba

*إِنَّ جَهَنَّمَ كَانَتْ مِرْصَادًا*

_Surely Hellfire lies in wait._
Ya Ibn Adam! Before you feel you've done enough, remember the day when Allah will call Adam عليه السلام and will say 'Bring forth those who are to be sent to Hell.’ He will say, ‘Who are those who are to be sent to Hell?’ He (Allah ﷻ) will say, *‘From every thousand, nine hundred and ninety nine.*’
[Sahih Bukhaari 3348 and Sahih Muslim 222]
*سبحان الله*
May Allah forgive us for our neglect and make us among the fearful.
*آمين يا رب العالمين*



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