The Demolished Forest

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All around them were trees uprooted from the soft soil. The trees were piled on top of eachother blocking most of the paths.
But one path wasn't blocked, so they all decided to take the left path.

Ragz began to bite his yellow stained fingernails, while thinking hard.

Jasmine could see that Ragz was worried about something, "Ragz, I know somethings wrong, I can tell by your face. What's up?"

"Jasmine, whatever happens, just be prepared. This might be caused by the Dark Demon himself.
If you come in contact with him just be prepared."

Jasmine's heart began to race. She knew she had to face the Dark Demon soon, but she didn't think it'll be this early. Jasmine's hands started to tremble with fear.
Jasmine shoved her hands into her pockets and tried to calm herself down.

The team followed the path through the dead forest, sticking together watching out for any enemies lurking within the bushes.
Soon they came across some footprints in the murky mud, there was human footprints and an animal paw print heading deep into the dark forest.

Jasmine confidently spoke, "We're not alone, keep your eyes peeled for sudden movement."

They gently stepped through the forest keeping their eyes peeled.
As they strolled down the path, a rustling noise came from the bushes, they all froze on the spot waiting for something to leap out, like a wolf waiting for the right moment to surprise the heroes.

Suddenly two long pointy grey ears pricked up from inside the bush.

"Watch out everyone, a pack of werewolves are around us," Grizzly suggested, while his paws were wobbling like jelly reaching for his battle axes."

"Don't be silly," Jasmine chuckled, "werewolves only come out when it's a full moon."

A twitchy nose and two plain buck teeth poked through the bush, "It's even worse, the creature might be a sabertooth tiger!" Sandy screeched.

Soon the creature revealed its self, the whole team burst out laughing.
The creature was a small grey rabbit with long pointy ears, a twitchy nose that had two bucked teeth sticking out from the top of the rabbit's mouth and big feet and paws to help it get around.

The rabbit just stared strangely, then licked it's self clean and sets off by hopping away into the distance.

A slight breeze gently blew through the forest.
Grizzly managed to catch a smell of perfume within the breeze.
Grizzly shuffled his nose across the floor, "I think I've found something, follow me and keep quiet."

They all crouched and followed Grizzly behind. Soon they came to the destination, there sitting on the floor, slouched up against the tree that had a split down the middle was a young boy.

Jasmine thought it was Arthur, so she rushed towards the young boy, while putting out her arms. The young boy lifted his head, he had big bulgey blue eyes, small rounded nose, bright red lips and spiky blond hair.
He wore a white long sleeved t-shirt, dark green jacket, blue trousers and tiny white trainers.

The boy flew forward making a clattering sound, while heading for Jasmine.
Jasmine looked shocked thinking, "How can a boy fly?"

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