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The blazing sun was shining down on a little village called Lamina. The village was built in the centre of the desert and underneath ran a shallow river and a wooden wall, which protected the village from any intruders. Also,
a drawbridge crancked down over the river.

In the middle of the village was a market.
Lots of people were standing around the stores searching for anything to buy.

Amongst the crowd was a boy, he was twelve years old with blond hair and crystal blue eyes. He wore a torn white shirt and navy blue jeans that had been made into shorts.

The boy went over to one of the stalls, glaring at all the food, his mouth began to water as if he was eating it already.

The boy looked at the polite old man, who was serving an old wrinkly woman in a long white dress that had brown stains at the bottom from it dragging along the dusty ground.

The young boy noticed that the old man was too busy staring into the woman's dark eyes, so he stole a loaf of bread and sprinted into the dark gloomy alley.
He glanced back to find out if the old man noticed, but the gentleman was so in love, he didn't notice a thing.

As the boy hurried around the corner, he bumped into his sister called Jasmine, who's the boys twin. She had long wavy blonde hair, crystal blue eyes and wore a pink dress with bright red roses decorated all over.

"Arthur, where have you been? I've been looking all over for you," Jasmine shouted.

"I've just been looking at the stalls, that's all, I brought mum some bread too," Arthur replied.

Jasmine stared at the bread which was cradled in Arthur's arms, "You've stolen it, haven't you? What would mother say if she found out?"

"she won't if you don't tell her, anyway I'm off home, you coming?"

The girl glared at Arthur with an evil stare, "Okay but please don't do it again or else I will tell mother."

The twins gradually walked down the long damp alley, halfway through someone was standing in the middle blocking their path.

The person was watching them walking closer and closer.
Jasmine didn't like the look of the person, so she whispered into Arthur's left ear, "Let's turn around and find another way back home."

Jasmine's body began to tremble, and her heart began to race faster as they approached the dark shadow.

"Don't be silly, it'll be alright, there's two of us. I'll protect you," Arthur whispered.
The twins took hold of eachother's hands.

As they got closer, they couldn't see much, because the person wore a robe, which covered its face. All they saw were sharp green eyes glaring through the hood.
The thing reached out its hands as it slowly approached the children.

" You know what?" Arthur called out to his sister.

"What?" Jasmine asked.

"I'm more frightened as you are now. Quickly this way."
The twins sprinted, leaving the strange dark shadow behind.

The twins approached their loving home and noticed their mother, who was busy hanging out the laundry on the washing line. She had short blonde hair that came to her shoulders and sparkling crystal blue eyes.
Their mother wore a long white dress with red and yellow flowers decorated all over.

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