Welcome to Pandora

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The twins listened carefully but couldn't hear any waterfall, not a single drop. They gradually opened their eyes, finding themselves standing on a bumpy rocky path, with lots of beautiful flowers developing around them.

"Oh, they're so beautiful, I'd love to live here," Jasmine said with a shocked face.

"Excuse me, Where are we?" Arthur asked politely.

"This is the magical land that we call, Pandora!" Slither replied softly while raising her voice when she came to the word Pandora.

"Wow!" The twins felt their clothes and pinched eachother to see if they weren't dreaming. The hot spell from the sun was blazing down sweltering Slither.
This is because of all the layers of clothing she wore underneath the robe.
Slither untied the strings and pulled her hood down revealing her facial features.

Slither was a beautiful young woman with lime green eyes, strawberry red lips, a short pointy nose and bright green hair.

The hair wasn't right, it had lots of eyes glaring sharply and tongues poking out every so often.

"Ah, snakes!" Jasmine screamed.

Jasmine sprinted over towards Arthur and hid behind him, while holding tight to his shirt.

The snakes unravelled and hissed aggressively,
"It's okay, they will not harm you, I'm a gorgon and I am here to help."

Arthur searched around and saw a metal gate.
While sprinting for his life, he took Jasmine's hand and hurried down the rocky path, while Slither was standing furious, "You lot should be ashamed of yourselves hissing for no reason! When we find them again, you must apologise for what you've done."

The snakes bowed their heads and looked at her in shame, while they hissed silently.

Jasmine and Arthur were exhausted by the time they reached the huge metal gate.
The gate wasn't shut properly, so the twins pulled with all their might.

They managed to open it just enough to squeeze through the gap. On the other side was a maze, which was made from bricks that were layered over each other for support.

The twins looked left and right, trying to decide which is the right way.

"Let's go right?" Jasmine asked.

"No left, you always get to choose first," explained Arthur.

"Right is always right!" Jasmine snapped.

"Fine, you go right, and I'll go left," Arthur said sarcastically.

The twins turned their backs to eachother and gradually took their time down each path, hoping one of them would say "Wait for me!"

They weren't alone in the maze, something was following Arthur, which scurried across the damp floor disguised within the colourful leaves.
Arthur thought it would have been his sister hurrying to catch up but as he turned, no one was there.

"Jasmine!" Arthur called out and waited for a reply, but no answer.

Arthur started to panic, "What if she's been hurt or caught by Slither?"

The Legend of Pandora 1st SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now