Snowy Mountain

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Ragz lead the heroes on their journey. Slither looked around to find Jasmine studying her book.

"Jasmine, do you know what the creature's proper names are?" asked Slither in a high pitched voice, Jasmine shook her head, "Then I will tell you, these creatures are called Protection Forces or you can call them P. F. for short.
The Protection Forces are captured by using this book. There are more out there but we don't know where to find them. Only you the Summoner can find them with that book."

" So what do I do if I come across a P.F?" Jasmine asked.

" I heard that you must weaken it by choosing the right element for the job."


"Wasn't you paying attention in training!" Slither snapped.
"Elements for instance fire and ice.
If the creature is a fire element then you'll need to use an ice spell or creature to freeze it.
It could turn around, if the fire heats up, it'll become too hot and will melt the ice. Do you understand?"

"Cold elements freeze fire elements but also fire can heat up ice elements."

"Correct, so you were listening," Slither chuckled.

Jasmine has a massive smile that spread across her face.

Ragz paused and pointed up towards a small mountain far in the distance, "Everyone, the forest is just behind that mountain."

Everyone cheered as they set off following the rocky path towards the mountain, which was covered in snow.

On the mountain peak was a goblin, but this one had dark skin with silver chest armour.
Strapped over his shoulder was a red leather bag full of arrows and in his right hand was a bow.
His eyes were amber and the goblin also had spiky black hair.

The goblin spied on the heroes by looking through the telescope that was in his left hand.
The evil goblin saw the magic book in Jasmine's hand.
He hurried through the entrance within the mountain to warn someone.

The walls were crystal white with sparkling diamonds inside.
The goblin hurried down a narrow aisle, towards the lair.

Inside the lair were lots of evil goblins with pick axes, digging to the bottom of the mountain, searching for something. Something for the Dark Demon.

"Master, I've got news," the goblin spoke, while rubbing his hands together.

The master was a brown Ogre that stood over ten feet tall and is almost half as wide at the gut.
His massively built body is crowned by a snarling, beastly head, with a thick neck for support.
His powerful arms were as thick as tree trunks that were capable of smashing through a wall.

"I told you to keep a lookout for any intruders!" the Ogre roared.

The evil goblin jumped up and down on the spot, "I've come to warn you that there are five from Pandora Castle heading this way. One of them holds the book that the Demon explained."

"Are you sure?"

The Ogre gripped his hand to expand his muscles.

"Alright Bogz, I'll put you in charge, for now.
Take half of the goblins with you to stop these fools.
Do not let them enter the mountain. If they find what we're looking for the Dark Demon will be furious with us.
Now go! Bring the book to me," the Ogre commanded.

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