Chapter 5

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You stared, dumbfounded, up at Fun-Time Freddy who then turned and began walking down the hall.

"Are you coming?" He said stopping and looking back at you.

You slowly nodded and headed forwards, walking beside him holding your wounded right arm.

He led you straight to the elevator where he stopped and turned to face you.

"Y/N... please forget about me... for your sake, please move on and forget about me." He looked at you as you walked over to the elevator. Your heartbeat slower than usual, which felt odd, and the emotion inside you began ticking like a clock, making you realize you were about to cry in a matter of seconds.

You stopped and faced him, tears in your eyes. "I-I... I can never forget... never!" You clenched your fists tightly.

"Y-Y/N... I'm serious, please..."

Tears went down your cheeks. Your heart felt heavy. "N-Not the memories... anything but the memories..."

He looked at you, his animatronic eyes looking back at you almost trying to show emotions. Then he turned and slowly wen track down the dark hall. "Goodbye Y/N..."

And with that he disappeared... and so did you...

The elevator pinged just as the clock chimed 6 am. You walked off, wiping the tears from your eyes as you shuffled through your pocket for your car keys.

Finding them, you unlocked the car, got in, shutthe door, and started the engine.

And that was the last you saw of him...
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Or was it...?

Fun-Time Freddy X Reader | ✔️| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now