Chapter Thirteen

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I expect to arrive home to an empty house but I find Kellin's car in the driveway. I check the time again in case I'm later than I thought, but it's only 2pm. Kellin shouldn't be home for a few hours.

I pull out my phone and quickly text him that I'm home so I don't startle him. I wait a few minutes for him to read the  message, but he doesn't which worries me.

I get out of the car and quietly enter the house. The silence feels eerie and I'm immediately anxious.

Although, when I enter the living room, I find my husband curled up asleep on the sofa. I'm confused but relieved.

I go over to him and kneel down beside him. I don't want to disturb him but I want to know if there's a reason why he's home so early and sleeping in the middle of the day.

I place my hand on his arm and shake him softly. The slight gesture is enough to make him wake abruptly.

"Hmm, what?" he says dazed, upon noticing it's me.

"Hey, I'm sorry, Love." I murmur.

He smiles tiredly and sits up a little so he can wrap his arms around my neck, reassuring me that he's okay.

"What are you doing home so early?" I ask him.

He pauses briefly, then he pulls back and pecks my lips.

"I was tired so I went home early." he tells me.

I'm a little skeptical. I can usually tell when Kellin's lying to me, and this seems like one of those times, but surely I'm just misreading this. I don't understand why he'd lie about that.

"Okay, so long as you're okay." I say.

"I am." he assures me with a smile. "Cuddle with me."

He doesn't have to ask me twice. I slide next to him on the sofa and wrap my arms around him.

"Jenna's coming around soon." he whispers to me.

"She's always here." I chuckle.

"I didn't want to be alone. I didn't know when you were coming home." he pouts.

My heart sinks a little. I hate that he can't even be by himself for a few hours without being scared.

"I know. It's okay. I miss living with her actually." I admit.

"Me too." Kellin yawns. "She's the best."

"I thought I was the best." I grin jokingly.

Kellin rolls his eyes and pecks my lips softly.

"How was your trip?" he suddenly asks.

I'm saddened by the question. I don't like lying to my husband, and honestly, I don't even know if the trip was worth it. I don't know for sure that Carter is turning himself in. I have no clue if I just wasted my time or not.

"It was okay." I answer simply.

"Yeah? Do you want to talk about it?" he asks softly.

"Not much to talk about." I shrug.

"How's your aunt?" he asks.

A small wave of guilt washes over me. I don't know how my aunt is. I haven't spoken to her since my uncle's funeral. She reminds me of him and I don't want to think about him. Thinking about him hurts too much.

"She's good." I lie.

"Okay." Kellin whispers, seemingly giving up on the topic. I'm grateful he doesn't push too hard.

Suddenly there's a knock at the door and immediately Kellin grasps my upper arm, digging his nails into my skin as he tenses and freezes.

"Oh fuck. Kellin, I'm sorry." I hear Jenna ramble from outside of the door. "Honey, I forgot. I didn't want to just walk in because I walked in on you and Vic the other day and I'm really really sorry. That was stupid."

Kellin relaxes but still looks stressed as he sits up.

"It's okay, Jen. Come in." he sighs.

She opens the door and looks unbelievably guilty.

"Kell, I'm sorry." she frowns, entering the living room.

"Don't stress. It's fine." Kellin smiles weakly. "I might go take a shower, I'm a little on edge today."

Jenna nods, smiling apologetically as Kellin gets off the sofa then walks past her out of the room.

Jenna sighs defeated as she sits down on the armchair across from me.

"Ugh, I feel bad. My head's just so muddled today. I wasn't thinking." she admits.

"Why's your head muddled? What's wrong?" I ask concerned.

She purses her lips and looks down at her hands.

"Did you go see Carter?" she asks, lowering her voice.

I'm not sure if she's ignoring my question or if Carter has something to do with her muddled head.

"I did." I nod.

"And?" she looks up at me expectantly.

"He said he'll turn himself in." I explain.

She nods silently then runs her hands through her short blonde hair. She shaved her head a couple months ago and it's growing back quickly.

"I don't feel great about keeping this from Kellin, Vic." she frowns. "I feel sick about this. I literally can't sleep."

I feel guilty. I shouldn't have expected her to keep this secret.

"You're going to tell him." I sigh.

"Let's say Carter actually turns himself in. Won't Kellin find out anyway? He's going to have to be contacted for court or at least a statement." she explains.

I feel stupid because I didn't think about that. And she's right.

"I want him to find out from someone who loves him. It'll be easier for him. And sure, Kellin probably won't find out it was you specifically who convinced Carter to turn himself in, but something so big shouldn't be a secret in your marriage. What if he finds out? That's going to ruin your relationship. And I watched you two wait so long for each other, I don't want you to throw it all away." she urges.

I know she's right. If I don't tell Kellin now and he finds out later down the track he's never going to forgive me.

"I'll tell him." I nod.

"If you don't, Vic, I will. I know you're my friend and I want to keep this secret for you, but Kellin's my friend too and I don't want to keep it from him. Secrets have caused so much pain for us all already." she says.

I nod again.

"I will tell him. I promise. Just give me a few days. I don't want to do it today when he's already so stressed out." I explain.

"Thank you." she whispers. "And I'm sorry."

"You don't have to be sorry." I assure her with an apologetic smile. "Maybe I shouldn't have done something so reckless."

"Hey," Jenna smiles. "There's a good chance he's going to prison. You've done the right thing."

I feel a reassurance from her words that I desperately needed. If he goes to prison and my husband is happy and safe, then I know I'm not completely useless.

Scars (Sequel to Cuts) - Kellic // boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now