Chapter Five

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As the wedding party is in full swing around us, Vic and I finally, for the first time today, have a minute to ourselves where we can just relax.

"So what did you think of the wedding?" Vic grins.

I sigh dreamily at the reminder. I know it was only a few hours ago, but I feel like the whole day is going to be vivid in my memory for the rest of your life.

"It was amazing. What about you? Was it the dream wedding you were hoping for?" I ask.

"It was perfect." Vic beams. "You were perfect. By the way, that suit is stunning on you."

I blush at his loving words.

"Thank you. Tay actually tailored it herself." I chirp.

Vic looks thoughtful for a second.

"I guess you could say she tay-lored it." Vic jokes, seeming proud of himself.

"I want a divorce." I whine, cringing at his horrible sense of humor.

"Oh my god," he gasps. "You could say she Taylor-ed it."

"I seriously regret this whole day. I take it all back." I joke, rolling my eyes while Vic just grins proudly.

"You love me." he sings.

I sigh gently and nod.

"So fucking much." I murmur.

He kisses my cheek lovingly then takes my left hand with his. I admire the way our rings look together and the way his hand fits into mine, like he was the missing piece to my puzzle and now I'm complete.

"After everything," I begin. "None of this feels real. It's still so unbelievable."

Vic smiles, but his smile seems a little sad.

"It's real, Kells. But I get it. I can't believe it either. Never did I think you'd want to marry me." he admits.

I catch the self-doubt behind his words.

"Hey," I say softly, giving his hand a comforting squeeze. "There is no other person that I have imagined spending the rest of my life with."

He let's out a dreamy little breath, but the sadness in his smile doesn't falter.

"That just seems so far-fetched to me. I spent so long telling myself that you wouldn't want me, that I wasn't good enough for you." he admits.

His words sadden me. I can't imagine the toll that has taken on him.

I want to reassure him, tell him that he was wrong, tell him that he should not feel that way, now or ever. But before I have the chance, his phone rings.

He drops my hand and takes his phone off the table, frowning at the unmarked number before he answers it and puts it to his ear.

"Speaking," he chirps.

There's some talking on the other line then his face falls.

"Oh...Is there a later flight?...What about tomorrow?...No I get that...Its my honeymoon, is all...Okay, I understand...Thank you." Vic sighs as he hangs up.

"What's wrong?" I ask, almost certain that was the airline for our flight to Paris.

He turns back to me, looking stressed.

"They're cancelling our flight to Paris." he reveals. "There's some bad weather. They don't want to risk it."

I feel my heart sink.

Scars (Sequel to Cuts) - Kellic // boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now