Chapter Four

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"Deep breaths, babe. Deep breaths." Jenna soothes, fanning me as I look in the car mirror, completely freaked out. "You're going to be fine."

"But what if I trip? Or what if I fuck up my vows? What if Vic gets cold feet and runs off? What if I get cold feet?" I ramble.

"Kellin!" Jenna snaps.

I look to her and see her frowning concerned.

"Kellin," she says softly. "You're about to get married."

I let her words sink in and I feel horrible. I should be overjoyed, not freaking out. There's something wrong with me.

"I'm sorry." I whisper, a tear rolling down my cheek.

"Don't be sorry. I just want you to be excited. Not upset. You're clearly in your head about this. Remember what you're here to do." she says softly.

I nod and wipe away the tear.

Jenna pulls out her phone and begins texting while I look out the window. I can't see much from here but I know my fiance, my very soon to be husband, is standing at the alter, waiting for me. He's in his suit, he's prepared his vows, now he's anticipating my arrival so we can get married.

I need to get my shit together. I need to be in this moment. This is a once in a lifetime event, I need to relax and savour every moment of it.

"How much time do you need?" Jenna asks me.

I take another deep breath.

"Ten minutes for my face to get un-puffy." I sigh looking in the mirror at my now-swollen eyes and red cheeks.

Jenna sends one last text assumingly to Tay, then she puts her phone down.

"You excited yet?" she asks, smiling softly at me.

I nod, a real genuine feeling of excitement shooting through me.

"I feel like I've wait so long." I breathe.

"You have. But trust me, you'll get up there, then you'll take one look at him and realize it was all worth it." she explains.

But I already know it was all worth it. Vic has always been worth it.

Once I'm sure my face is clear of any evidence of tears, I look to Jenna and she nods.

"Okay, I'll let them know they can start the music." Jenna beams, sending another text. "Time to get married."

She opens the car door so I take that as my cue to do the same then I follow her through the botanical gardens.

We link arms as we approach the aisle. The music gets louder as we walk, and soon we're turning the corner.

I'm immediately overstimulated as my eyes dart across the lawns that are covered with guests who are watching me.

I insisted on a small wedding, only inviting my siblings and friends from work. I decided it wasn't even worth inviting my alcoholic parents, they would have probably ruined everything.

Vic wanted to keep it small, but his mom seems to have insisted on inviting Vic's entire family. I don't mind though, because I guess they're all my family now. He has enough family for the both of us.

I look to the flower girls, who are dropping rose petals in front of Jenna and I as we make our way down the aisle.

My gaze turns to Mike and Tony, Vic's groomsmen. They're both grinning at me. I then look to Tay who is already ruining her eyeliner with tears, as she stands as, what we call, my "groomsmaid".

Scars (Sequel to Cuts) - Kellic // boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now