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V I E N N Aaustria

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The minute the jet landed in the hanger bay, Black Sun agents were armed and ready as a winter solider stepped out. I stood in front of him, defensively, waiting for anyone to make a move.

I knew that there would be some trouble getting James into the agency, because of how much Sun hated everything Hydra has done. And not one of them knew who James was or how he had gotten under Hydra's control. They just knew he fought for the wrong side.

It was quiet when I looked over the agents, with narrowed eyes. I almost wanted to dare them to make a move, to try anything. But when they saw me standing in front of him, they faltered.

"He is under my protection while he is here." I said, my eyes leaving the agents and watching as my mother and father hurriedly make their way towards us.

"Athena," My mother said. She walked up the ramp of the jet and wrapped her arms around me. "I thought you were dead."

My father was next, looking down at me through those thick glasses. "What happened? And why is there a winter solider with you?"

I looked between my parents and braced for the worst; I knew that they were going to kill me for what I've done, for how I thought with my heart.

"I've got a lot to explain but first, we need a Doctor." I said. "James saved my life. I owe him a debt."

My mother looked back at the solider with narrowed eyes and I couldn't read her expression. The glare on her face was hard but I knew she wasn't going to do anything. Not yet at least.

We moved at once after that, guards surrounding us to make sure the solider didn't try anything. I looked back every view seconds at James; who seemed more than nervous. His eyes were wide with fright and he kept his gaze on the floor. His hands were in fists but he didn't try anything.

When we got to the medical lab we were separated, but I knew no harm would come to him.

Besides, I had matters that were a little more important.

As soon as I was admitted into the medical wing, the doctors that worked at Black Sun were forcing me onto a bed and cutting away the fabric of my combat pants. The skin around my wound had darkened and I knew that it was blood poisoning.

My entire leg had went numb, when I don't know, but I didn't feel the countless needles sinking into my skin and administering top of the line medicine.

I was also hooked up to an IV and given countless glasses of water to make sure I was staying hydrated.

My first visitor was my mother, who I knew was going to give me an ear full.

As soon as the door shut behind her she was cursing at me in her natural tongue; with English mixed in because she was too furious to focus on one language.

"Mama, mama, bitte, bitte." I waved my hand. "What is it?"

"Why would you bring a winter soldier back here?"

"Because mama, he isn't the winter soldier. Not right now. I found all the files, I know how they make them. Papa has it."

"And what if it is just a trick?"

I shook my head very slowly. "No, I don't think so. Mama, his name is James. He was born in America. In the nineteen seventeen."

My mother's face fee confused for a moment. "Cryo?"

"Ja, he was kidnapped in the second Great War. Look through the files." I said. "Mama, I want to help him. He asked me to kill him. And when the base fell, he told me to leave and he would stay so they didn't find me."

My mother crossed her arms and passed the room. "I suppose I could have our psychological team take a look at him. His name, his legal name, I suppose it is linked to an MIA death in the states."

"I guess so." I shrugged my shoulders and leaned back against the pillows. My sight hit the ceiling. "Where is he?"

"In one of the recovery suites. I would have to speak with the legal team. I can't jeopardize our stance with the government. Perhaps handing him over to the American government would be better for us."

"No, mama!" I yelled and looked up, the cord of the IV tugging my arm as I moved. "The American government is a mess. The recession is only an example. He is better off here."

"And if Hydra wants him back?"

"Mama, please." I said softly. "He saved my life. I want to do the same."

Her face softened and she nodded slowly. "I thought you were dead."

"Please. Those Hydra bastards have nothing on me."

shortie ik I'm sorry
I dyed my hair pink :) it looks cute I like it

black sun rising || b. barnes ASSEMBLE ✔️Where stories live. Discover now