Chapter 27

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an: i read all your comments and i agree. they're all valid. i'm so happy the OC character i added to the story have you all raising questions. Stick around to find the answers. She has a really interesting background history. Just what exactly happened in the past between Lily, Snape and James? I don't wanna reveal anything now and ruin all the suspense. What i can say is that Lily isn't the bad guy in the story. Neither is james or snape. That would be too predictable and cliche if I wrote a story like that one haha. The fanfic is AU (alternative universe) so not everything from the original story line will be the same. Also i've set the time ten years forward than the original story setting. So i can get away with using more modern terms. What did you guys think of sirius and amelia's development last chapter. And also the budding romance of our resident werewolf and metamorphagus. I'm sorry for all the remus and sirius shippers out there 😝


During the first weeks of Hogwarts new semester.....

Life inside the castle walls was once again buzzing with life as the school year officially started. Classes were quickly resumed so that students could reacclimate themselves to their academic life.

Few professors had been merciful enough to help them ease back during the first week of their class and start with only short light introductory discussions for the new lessons they will tackle in the following weeks ahead. While some had been not so kind and saw it as a waste of time. Any reintroductions were deemed unnecessary by the stern professors, especially for the brazen lazy students who thought it was a good idea to submit sloppy works, who had not bothered with any of the readings and rushed to do the projects assigned for them to accomplish throughout the summer.

Fortunately for the new incoming students of Hogwarts, their first few days were spent accustoming themselves to their new life in the castle, organizing their dorms and following their house prefects as they tour them around the school campus, orienting them about the rules and regulations they were to follow while they stay in the castle.

The children continued to chatter excitedly among themselves as their eyes shimmered with awe as they witness more of the magic kept within Hogwarts walls. Some students squealed during the first time they encountered some of the ghosts that resided within the castle walls. Some were also left befuddled by the seemingly lifelike portraits of magical persons that tried to strike a conversation with some random people who passed the halls.

The first week had also been the time wherein the first years search among their peers who they shared common interest with and split off to their own cliques. It wasn't long after the Start-Of-The-Term feast that Harry and Hermione also found their own group they belonged too. Neville was automatically the first one to enter their circle since they were both willing to offer their friendship to the sweet, shy lad. While Ron had also managed to weasel his way into their group to much of Hermione's dismay. Harry nor Hermione could not find it within themselves to heartlessly exclude him from their circle when he had apologized very passionately after being told off by his older twin brothers, the day after the dinner.

Despite being openly welcomed to their group, the two young wizards couldn't help but get an odd feeling whenever they hang out with Harry and Hermione which only got worse, during the times when the two best friends would sickeningly stare into each other time for seconds longer than either Ron and Neville could handle. The young Weasley soon realized what that odd feeling was. It was the same feeling he had whenever his mom would tell his older brother, Percy had to bring him and Ginny along during his dates with his girlfriend, Penny because no one was available to babysit them in the house.

It was third-wheeling.

So the young red-headed wizard decided to go with one of the few wise decisions he had made in life, leave the disgustingly sweet couple alone. After classes, Ron scavenged to find another group of friends to hang out with, and out of pity, he decided to bring Neville with him. They quickly got along with Dean Thomas and the other blokes in their dorm. So during the break times whenever Harry and Hermione's eye coupling were more tolerable in between classes, they would join them. And after class, they would retreat back to join with their dorm mates.

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