Chapter 3

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3 weeks later.....

Two young kids sat on a large bench swing as they both read books taking their leisure time in the back garden. Whilst, an old nanny enjoyed her cup of afternoon tea by the porch watching the two kids. An impish smile lit up her old face as she spotted the book in the hands her little Engel's hands.

Incantationem. The Ancient Arts Of Enchantment.

'Now how did that end up in the hands of a little kid?' Nanny Gracie innocently thought knowing fully well how. The old woman knew no kids should be able to hold possesion on a book like that much as less be able to find it in a local book shop.

After all, it was hers.

'Oh well, they don't have to know that.' She thought taking another sip of her favorite personal brew.

"Every magical being present in the world of magix have its own magical core. To be able to wield magic, one must be able to enforce the user's own will with it....."

A bushy brown haired girl read as she refrain herself to jump up and down in her seat. They were both sitting on a swing after all and she didn't to risk jumping causing them both to fall down.

"It still doesn't say exactly how to use it though." Harry said placing down the book on his lap. Hermione paused.

Its been three week since Harry arrived in the Granger's residence and they have built an odd student-teacher relationship.

When Hermione first showed Harry her collection of special books, Harry confessed his lack of ability to read, something his relatives didn't think a stupid kid like him needed to learn. It was then Hermione has made it her life goal to teach him how to properly read and write spending the last two weeks doing nothing but studying and studying and studying, not that this was any different with how the little girl usually spends her time.

Aside from a trip from the city hospital where they patched up his fractured leg and the mall where they bought all necessities for Harry in the house with her parents, the two kids have been cooped up in the library. Hermione had been able to teach all the fundamental first grade curriculum to him all in two weeks. Now, Harry was able to read and write better than most five year olds his age. And that was saying something for a little boy who didn't knew all the letters of the alphabets a few weeks ago.

As the teacher, Hermione has always been the one who did most of the talking in their relationship and discovered Harry to be a boy with few words. So Harry speaking out his thoughts and opinion has always been a rare anticipated moment for Hermione. Little did the little girl know, Harry enjoyed much more listening to her voice especially her laughs that turns his current bad feelings into something strangely pleasant. He would always find himself automatically smiling from her laughter.


A huge stout man came bursting out the front door. Harry took one glance inside the house from the garden and saw the man who tortured his life, Uncle Vernon.

"Sir, I demand you get out of this house at once." Nanny Gracie ordered in a calm manner following the rude fat man in the house but inside the old woman was anything but calm.

Hermione instantly panicked as she saw Harry pale and tremble in fear. Out of reflex, she threw her arms around his shaking body.

"Everything going to be okay. I promise. We won't hand you over that mean fat man." Hermione whispered. He nodded.

The little brown bushy haired girl didn't know who that man was. But she had a pretty good guess that this was the man that hunted Harry's dream.

When the poor boy explained his previous situation with his only living relatives to Hermione, on the late afternoon Harry first arrived here at Riverside, she never really got the clear picture of how torturous and frightening the abuse young Harry had to endure, until she heard the screams.

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