Chapter 31

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a/n: I'm baack people. Finally, recovered from my writer's block. I'm so excited to finish the first year arc of the story. More drama will be ensured for the next arc. Hope you enjoy this chapter.

Leave down a lots of comments please. It helps motivate me. 🥺💗


After breakfast, Minerva McGonagall left her office to march forced towards the Gargoyle corridor, gripping her own copy of the Daily Prophet in her hand. She stopped in front of the largest and most scariest looking gargoyle, who moved its mouth to ask- 


"Tell the headmaster I will put a ban and vanish all the Sherbet Lemons in the school if he does not meet me in this office this instant," the Deputy Headmistress said raising her chin. The stone gargoyle wisely kept silent as he moved to the side revealing a door which led to her initial destination. 

There was a twinkle in Albus Dumbledore's eyes as he watch the Deputy Headmistress stride angrily in his office. He smiled, "Minerva, what a surprise. I did not expect you to visit me this quite early." She did not return his warm welcome. Albus only raised a brow when the elder witch, threw the newspaper from the Daily Prophet on his office desk, "Tell me you have not placed that thing inside our school!"

"There is no need to worry. I have kept it in a safe place," he replied in a calm tone hoping it could reduce Minerva's anger. It did not.

"Do not take me for a fool, Albus." 

Out of every person in the castle she was the one most familiar his talents of orchestrating this level of deception. She may not be as old as him but she had gained enough wisdom from her years to know whatever he was planning could be as terrible, if not worse as his plan to leave Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived with the boy's terribly wretched muggle relatives. She demanded answers from the old fox, "Gringotts is the safest place for Philosopher's Stone. What sort of ruse have you crafted this time?"

"There are no tricks or ruse from me," replied Dumbledore calmly. "Afterall, Minerva, you are the one more likely to successfully do so than I. It was you who manage to hide Harry Potter's location from me. In the long years we have taught together in this castle, I had not been aware the Deputy I have assigned was also fond of keeping secrets herself, until now"

McGonagall only shook her head. He had no right to make her feel guilty when he was the master of keeping secrets. "It was for the child's best interest! Was it not also your intention to hide the child's presence from the wizarding world? You placing your attention on the child will only catch the unwanted attention of those evil individuals and alert them. You'll be happy to know that despite not growing up with his muggle relative. Mister Potter still grew up happily and healthily in the muggle world."

"Oh, I am sensing that you have long been informed about the boy's situation and how his godfather was freed," Albus smiled amicably though there was still pain of betrayal hidden within his tone.

The elder witch only sighed, knowing that the old fox did not appreciate not being in the know. She decided to reveal the truth, "I am not involve with Sirius' trial. But if I were offered the opportunity to stand as witness to his innocence, then I would have gladly done so. He was also once my student. The poor man has been locked away in Azkaban unjustly." 

She continued, "As for Harry Potter, I believe Sirius Black would has warn you not to put his godson in danger, which what you are doing right now. Honestly Albus, I am beginning to question your judgement as the Chief Warlock and Headmaster of this school." She did not let old fox defend himself as she laid out more facts for him, "Even if He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is dead, his followers has not disappeared. Nothing will stop them from trying to steal that stone and Merlin forbids, revive him. By keeping that stone here, you are inviting danger into this school- "

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