Chapter 4

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1 month later.....


Little young Potter run through the woodsy green forest of Riverside, London chasing a certain bushy brown haired girl.

"Wait up Hermione!" He yelled gasping for air. The boy took a short pause to take a minute to catch his breath. She wasn't that far ahead.

As he rested, Potter used this time  to think of how much his life had changed spectacularly. A word he learned from Hermione tutoring him everyday.

From being chased around to being the one who actually does the chasing, a lot have changed. Harry would no longer need to wake up midday in the morning to clean the house. In fact, he wasn't even allowed to clean a room in the house except for his own. The Grangers have a hired people who would clean the whole house for them apart from their bedrooms and his own.

That was another huge change that came into Harry Potter's life from his small tiny cupboard to an actual 10 by 10 m bedroom fully equipped with its own king size bed, a personal bathroom and a walk-in closet filled with a whole new set of wardrobes for him. There was even his own study table, sofa and flat screen T.V. in there. The Grangers didn't even spent Harry's trust fund money for it. They spent their own cash telling him it was their choice to buy all those things for him and that he should spend his money on things he wanted to buy.

That explained why now the boy owns his own debit card. After the whole fiasco with Harry's relatives, Mr. Jack Salvador and the Grangers immediately informed him of the trust fund his deceased parents left for him. They wanted Harry to learn how to handle his own money and to deal with people who might use him for it, as much as a five year old like him could understand.

With all the things the Grangers have done to help Harry, he couldn't help but want to repay them somehow. He even had to force them to at least let him help with the household chores. They relented.

Now, Harry helps Nanny Gracie cook meals for the family and help setup the table with Hermione. The two kids both would always help the old nanny do the dishes and fold clothes from the laundry. Sometimes he would even help Cristine with her gardening and Ben cheering for their favorite team. It was safe to say Harry has already been part of the whole family's routine, especially a certain little Granger's.

Wherever Hermione Granger was a person would find Harry Potter not too far. They were like a pair of magnets attracting each other. One would not stop until it finds the other. So naturally they do almost everything together sleeping, eating, reading, gardening, playing, studying, you name it.

Harry even has been able to get Hermione to watch with him one of his favorite sports channel. Which was why the bookworm now found herself an official New York Yankee's fan. Even Ben couldn't believe his eyes on the nights when he would find his daughter sitting besides Harry sharing a bowl of popcorn watching the game intently. Although, she still prefers reading a book when it was some other sports on, but when it came to baseball she immediately transforms into a mad fierce some Yankee's fan along with Harry.

Thinking of the certain Yankee's fan, Harry immediately look around unable to find her within the area. He had a bad feeling about this. Anxiety and fear rose up his pulse rate. He quickly took off to find her. They were suppose to practice their magic in a secluded part of the forest.

Hermione decided that they should learn to control their powers before telling it to her parents. But so far all they were able to do was make things levitate into a mess or either make them explode. So Harry suggested to practice in the forest and now has sight of Hermione.

Potter didn't know where the heck he was going. All he was doing was running into unknown paths between the thick woods. But somehow he knew it would lead him to Hermione. Ever since the day they first met, he and Hermione had an unexplainable bond that would always help them find where each other was. Throw them both in a dark maze, they could still find their way back to each other.

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