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I LEAVE AVERY ALONE AND give her some space to think things over. The last thing I want is to make her feel pressured, but there's no way I'm just going to sit back and let her get hurt again. I've seen enough fucked up shit in the past to know that bad things happen when you don't step up and put an end to them.

I made a promise to myself to fuck up anyone who lays their hands on a woman. So that asshole behind the bar is lucky that I didn't kill him with my bare hands. It took a lot in me to stop when I did. If it weren't for the blood that he was choking on, I may have kept going.

As soon as she mentioned that she had to work, I saw the look in her eyes: pain, misery, shame and maybe even a little helplessness. I knew then that I had to go and see her. For some reason I didn't want her to go through that alone. So when I went inside and asked for her and was told by some jackass that she wasn't working for the night, I went outside for some fresh air and to think. That's when I heard her screams and got to her as fast as my legs would run.

The shower water turns off, so I flip on the TV and pretend to be into some random show that pops up. A few minutes later, Avery emerges from the bathroom with wet hair pulled over her shoulder, dressed in my clothes. They're tighter on her than I expected and she looks damn good in them.

Even my dick takes notice of how beautiful she looks when she's not trying. When I first saw her at the club, yeah I thought she was sexy as all hell, anyone with eyes could see that... but she's beautiful when she's all natural without a care in the world. I want to keep her that way.

She glances down the hallway and looks me in the eyes for a few seconds, before turning away and heading to my spare room, shutting the door behind her.

A small part of me wants to go to her and ask her about herself and tell her why exactly it is that I want to help her, but the bigger part knows that I'm not ready to talk about it. Especially with someone that I've just met.

So until I can, I'll just have to prove to her with my actions that she can trust me. With one glance into her beautiful eyes, you can clearly see that she finds it hard to trust. So I'm making it my goal to change her mind and show her that she's not alone.

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