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It was a Friday and Jimin was strolling through the hallway on his wheelchair. He was probably going to be late but he didn't care anymore.

"Look who we have here.",A voice said.

Jimin gulped.

Jayen grabbed the handles of the wheelchair. Then he grabbed Jimin's hair and pulled it hard.

Jimin whimpered.

"You killer.",Jayen whispered and left.

Jimin quickly strolled his wheelchair to class.


Jimin just frowned.

"Mr.Park you are late.",Mr.Kim, the english teacher, said.

"I'm on a wheelchair Mr.Kim. What did you expect? For me to be Speedy Gonzalez?",Jimin whispered.

"What did you say Mr.Park?",Mr.Kim asked.

"I'm sorry for being late Mister.",Jimin spoke.

"Go find your sea- I mean desk.",Mr.Kim said.

The class glared at him.

Later Jimin had lunch.

He packed lunch since he really didn't want to wait in the lunch line. He went on the elevator and went on the third floor.

On the third floor was a balcony, he ate there.

Jimin looked at the light blue sky.



"Help us..."

Jimin winced. Come on Park Jimin you can do this. Last year of college and...

and then what.

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