I may be Captain Park Sparrow, but I definitely can't commandeer this ship

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dedicated to gravestones for the lovely banner displayed!

also, i know I already put this song in an earlier chapter, but it fits so perfectly to this chapter. i even put a reference to the song at the end, like, LISTEN TO IT PLEASE

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"Park, that's a really shitty reason."

"Well, I don't feel like explaining at the moment."

"I need more than an enigmatic 'trust me.'"

"Jasper," I said, making sure my tone didn't sound mysterious, "trust me."

My brother only gave me a sour look, but whatever his response was cut off abruptly by his severe coughing. He doubled over, shivering every time he took in a coarse breath. Immediately, I pulled him into my arms, hoping that whatever body heat I had left could be passed onto him. 

"You smell like the bottom of the ocean," he mumbled into my shoulder.

"I know. It's almost like I swam through saltwater to get here."

"I hate to break up this cozy family session of yours," Darkwood drawled into my ear while he took a small step behind me, "but there's this really angry looking guy walking towards us.

Agents were now swarming the deck, shouting directions at each other as the moved about. As groups began to branch away from the mass heading on board, heading down below or expanding towards the corners of the deck, an agent emerged from the crowd and I tensed up. 

Indeed, the agent looked quite angry. Okay, that's an understatement. A furious fire burned in his eyes as he strode across the deck, and I could almost feel the raging vibe rolling off of him from this distance. He had changed into all black, the standard field uniform, and in that moment, I felt as though the Grim Reaper had come to deliver my death. 

Scratch that. The Grim Reaper probably looked friendlier than this. 

"Jasper, I just want you to know that I love you very much, and when I die, you can have my extended edition of The Lord of the Rings movies."

"It's just Logan," Jasper scoffed as he leaned back, looking at me like I was insane. 

Oh, it's just Logan. Silly me. I thought it was the king of hell. 

A squad of agents trailed Logan, all of them holding their guns up as they casted dubious looks at Darkwood. I looked at Darkwood, mouthing, I'll take care of this, before redirecting my attention back to the trouble in front of us. 

"Who's he?" Logan asked in a cold voice. He put his hands in his jeans as he cocked his head, his glare pointed at me as he awaited my answer. 

"Alec," Jasper answered, though his voice was much more timid than when he spoke to me. Jasper shot me an alarmed look, and I could only mouth back, It's just Logan. Oh, Jasper. If only he knew there was no escape from the demon once it appeared. 

"Oh, hey, look! It's Six!" Jasper cried all of a sudden, flashing us the most innocent smile in existence before scurrying away to safety. 

Okay, I guess there was an escape. Though, would it count if you're running to another monster?

"Alec Darkwood," the boy next to me finished. 

"I wasn't talking to you," Logan snapped, his eyes flashing. "You can speak when you're addressed."

"I'll speak if the conversation involves me," Darkwood snorted. "I don't need your permission to do anything, Mother."

Oy vey. 

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