Chapter 10

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"Hello who is this?" I asked. All I heard was silence. I looked at my phone and they hung up. Then I got a text from the same number.

Unknown 10:34

I know that you're wondering who I am, but for now you will do as I say or next time Ashley won't live.

I reread the text over and over. Who the hell is this? What did they even want from me?


I woke up, and the sun was shining through my window. Then I remember the text I had gotten the previous night. It scared me to think that someone could be planning killing Ashley.

I was driving to the hospital when I got a text. I looked at my phone and it was from Unknown. I couldn't be bothered to look at it especially since I was driving.

I got to the hospital, and Ashley was still in a coma. I missed her voice, her scent, the way she looked at me, I missed everything about her. I was so scared of losing her. "Hey, I know you probably can't hear me, but I know you can fight this." I said, as tears started stinging my cheeks. I didn't know who was doing this, but I was going to find out, and when I did they were going to wish they never messed with me.

I went to school; I was late since I went to the hospital beforehand. "Mrs. Harper nice for you to grace us with your presence." The teacher said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and went to the back of the class where my seat was. "Hey hows Ashley." Megan asked. I rolled my eyes and flipped her off. I wasn't in the mood to talk, I just wanted this day to be over. I wanted to go see Ashley, I wanted to know she was okay, to know she wasn't going to die. I didn't realize it, but I was crying, which was weird, because Dani Harper doesn't cry. "Are you okay Mrs. Harper?" The teacher asked. I nodded and class continued.


I was at lunch about to leave, when a hand grabbed mine. I turned around and saw Jen. She kissed me. I pushed her off, but she tried to kiss me again. "Jen get the fuck off me!" I yelled. "Now everyone's going to think you're a cheater." She said, as she winked, and walked away. What the hell just happened?

I went to the hospital after lunch ended. I wanted to see Ashley, even if she couldn't see me. When I got to the hospital, I went to Ashley's room and the best thing ever happened... She woke up. 

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