Chapter 8

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You snapped awake, in a small room, a white blanket laided onto of you.

I guess I knocked out... whew, I feel so much better now that I got sleep!

You sat up, your arm heaved next to you.

They wrapped up my arm! Okay, this is new to me.

You waved your arm up, feeling the cast press against it.

"Oh, (Y/N)-Chan, you're awake!" Shinobu said, walking in with folded clothes in her hands.

"Shinobu! How long have I been out?"

She smiled. "You've been asleep for 46 hours. It is currently 8 AM. Do you need more sleep?"

"Nope! I feel as good as new~" you said, stretching your arms.

"I see. Well, you are free to walk around. You had sustained no major injuries besides your arm, you were weak from exhaustion. Your clothes are on the table, there. Have a nice day!" She smiled at you, before shutting the door.

You sighed as you slipped into your familiar clothing. Finally putting your sword beside you, you set off.

The wind smacked your cheeks, making you feel relieved.

"I wonder where they are..." you whisper to yourself.

Oh, I think I know.

You walked to the training room, pushing the door open.

"Hey, Aoi-Chan!" You happily smiled.

"Ah, (Y/N)-Chan! I'm happy to see that you're doing well!" The girl said, setting up cups of tea.

"What... are you doing?"

"I'm setting up the training station for Tanjiro, Inosuke and Zenitsu. They're training here with the girls, Kanao and me," she said, explaining the procedure for each one.

"Do you wanna help? Are you fully healed?"

"I'll be fine! I just have a broken arm, but nothing bad!" You cheered, happy that you could do something useful.

"They should be here soon..." Aoi said, looking at the door expectantly.

The boys walk in, their eyes looking at you.

"My beautiful wife!"
"Hashira...." they all said.

"Hey! I'm here to help you today~"

As Aoi explained the rules to Zenitsu, he slowly grew more pissed.

"First, over there. Those girls will massage your body which is stiff from lying in bed. Then, the reflex training. The teacups are filled with medicated broth. You will both compete to snatch the medicated broth. If your opponent restrains your teacup before you raise it, then you may not move the teacup.

"The final one is full-body training. Putting it frankly, it's tag. Kanao and I (and (Y/N)-Chan if she wants to) will be your opponents."

Zenitsu sat with a blank face.

"Sorry, could you give me a moment?" He said.

"Is there something you don't understand?"

"No, just... you two, come over here."

"Not going," Inosuke mumbled, his voice barely there.

"I'M TELLING YOU!! SCREW IT AND JUST COME!!!" He yelled, making you jump from the sudden outburst.

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