Chapter 5

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"What do you want, Niko? Why do you keep visiting me?" You sternly said, your walking never slowing down.

"Well, let's just say, I heard something from my Master~" she sang, twirling in circles behind you.

"Well, what does that have to do with me?" You asked coldly.

"Well..." she said, coming to a stop.

"He said you paid him a visit earlier."

You abruptly stopped, breath hitched.

"What?" You said, turning around.

"I guess that caught your attention, huh?" She smiled, an aura surrounding her. You couldn't put your finger on it, but it didn't scare you.

"Of course it did! Why is he taking form a a human with a daughter?" You hissed.

"Mmm... wasn't she cute?" She giggled, walking up to you.

"Sadly," you sighed.

"She sure was delicious, too bad she died quickly," she sighed with you, looking at her nails.

"Wait- what?!" You asked, grabbing her and pulling her down.

"You ate her?!"

"Of course I did!" She laughed, pushing you away.

"You monster! She was just a little girl!" You yelled.

Her eyes dulled, staring behind you.

"What are you doing, talking to thin air?" A voice asked behind you.

You flung your head back, not feeling their presence because you were so worked up.

He was wearing a boar mask, shirtless, and he was wearing the pants of the Slayer's uniform.

He had two swords on his back and was looking at you.

"Well, are you going to answer my question?" He asked, annoyed.

"Well, I would've if you gave me time to," you snapped at him.

He growled and gripped your shirt, pulling you up.

"All high and mighty! Who do you think you are, huh?!"

"I guess he can't see me~ Well, talk to you later, (Y/N)-Chan! Bye bye~" your sister bent down and blew on your ear before leaving.

You pushed his hold off of you, looking behind.

"Forget it. I'm going to keep looking."

"Wait, I wanna fight!!" He roared, following you.

"No. That's against the rules, I'm sure you know that," you huffed.

"Aren't one of your friends that dude with red hair and the small girl?" He asked.

You stopped and turned around.

"Woah, you've seen them?! Can you tell me where they are, or are you going to ask for another fight in return?" You said, eyes filled with hope.

"I don't remember."

This guy-

"Okay, you know what? Forget it. You're useless."

He snickered and still continued to follow you. That is, until you stepped into another room, that shut off, and opened, nothing behind you.

"Finally!" You said, starting to run around the place.

I can still feel them..! They're still here! Maybe...

You sighed, the thought that lingered in the back of your mind.

Music - Kimetsu No Yaiba (Demon Slayer) X Reader X OC [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now