Chapter 8

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“MELISSA!! GIVE ME THE DAMN REMOTE!” I yell as I tackle her on the couch in the sitting room. “NO!” She squeals as I drag her leg. I glare at her.

It is Sunday afternoon, Lisa and I decided to watch a peaceful and chilling movie but apparently it doesn’t seem peaceful as we are currently dragging for the remote. I suggested on the series Grown-ish but Lisa is keen on watching some crappy opera. Which brings us to our current argument…

“I’ll be damned if I watch any STUPID OPERA CRAP!” I glare at her. She fake gasp and held the remote far away from me. “Opera isn’t stupid nor crap. FYI, Opera is a good way of expressing emotions but through a more structured melodic sty-”

“Yeah yeah, whatever.” I interrupt her as I let go off her leg. She always tries to get me to watch and listen to some opera but it is just boring.

She glares at my rudeness but sits properly on the couch. “Rude Alex.” She states.

“Sorry b.” I smile at her apologetically. She wanted to say something but was interrupted from the bing of my phone. I quickly pick it up and see a message from an unknown number.

Hey chocolate! So I was wondering wen I could pick u up.

My heart flutters.

Wait! How the hell did he get my number? I quickly sent a reply.

Hey! Around 5. Not 2 sound rude or anything, hw did u get my number??

I save his name and few seconds later my phone bings.

Dats for me 2 know. Did u miss me?

I saw u just dis Friday Damien.

Dat doesn’t mean u didn’t miss me. I missed u tho.

My heart beat quickens and I hesitantly type a reply.

Haha.. funny.

I’m damn serious Alex. Anyways, I’ll see u in an hour.

My stomach keeps churning weirdly as I stare at his last message. I don’t know why I get these feelings anytime he is somehow around and it scared the shit out of me. I want to be friends with Damien but past experiences and these feelings are dragging me back.

I lowkey liked the way I feel about him but I’m afraid it will turn into something more. I keep reminding myself that I don’t know even know him for a week but who am I kidding?

“Alex?” I snap my head to Lisa who looked concerned, “Who texted you?” she asks.

I realize I haven’t mentioned about my date with Damien to her.

My eyes drop to the floor awkwardly. “Ehrm- Damien?” I say, “He kinda of um- asked me out,” I tell her unsure. I wait for a long agonizing second before she squeals loudly.

“OH MY FREAKIN’ GOSH! Why the hell did you not tell me earlier?! Oh my gosh- what time?!- God- what are you gonna wear?!!” she screams loudly.

I just stare at her wide eyes at her behaviour. She is supposed to talk me out of it or something like that not scream as if she just got engaged.

“Lisa you’re supposed to talk me out of it,” I whine.

“Why?” she stops her squealing and shoots me a glare. I shrug, “I don’t know- I thought you would.” I reply.

“Well sorry girlfriend, I’m not doing anything of such. In fact-” she pulls me off the couch and drags me to my room. Before I could comprehend what was going on, she opens my wardrobe and started throwing my clothes unto my bed. I watch her in disbelief, “Lisa you are gonna fold these clothes back.” I say seriously.

She simply ignores me and continued throwing my stuff out while humming to herself. After what seem like thirty minutes of constant throwing of things and selecting of clothes, she finally pulls out a white long sleeve croptop and high-waisted ripped jean. It looked decent enough and I nod my head in approval.

She throws them at me and motioned for me to get ready. I grumble some words as I made my way to the bathroom to freshen up. After I shower, I put on my clothes and stand in front of Lisa. “Nice. You have these clothes but you decide to dress like crap,” She compliments as she gives me a pair of black leather boots.

I shoot her a glare and just simply flipped her off. She smirks and waves her hand dismissively, “Text him the address.” She instructs.

I pick up my phone and quickly texted him the address. He replies that he would be here in ten. I tell Lisa and she quickly applied a little makeup on my face and I looked okay.

Okay so it’s just a friendly outing. No biggy! I try to tell myself.

Just don’t let him distract you!     
We hear the doorbell go off.

Here we go...

I pick up my phone and purse and walked over to the front door. I swing the door open, and there stood a smirking Damien. His eyes quickly roam my body and I feel my body tense. I quickly give him a once over, he is putting on a white long-sleeved shirt and black washed jeans with black Nike sneakers.

Great! We are matching.

So much for a friendly outing…

Lisa comes to the door and looked from me and Damien. She tries very hard to hold herself from laughing. “Hey Damien! You guys are matching.” I glare at her.

All I do around these knuckleheads is glare and roll my eyes and I’m pretty sure I would be doing that for a longtime.

“Can we go now?” I ask, annoyed.

They both burst out laughing making me turn around to go back in and watch my movie series of Grown-ish. Damien quickly grabs my wrist and spins me around. “Sorry chocolate, it’s kinda funny when your mad.” He says and I glare at him.

“Can we go?” I ask again, ignoring the tingles his touch gives me. He nods and pulls me with me. “I will kill you later!” I yell to Lisa, she just winks and mouths have fun.

Damien pulls me towards a black sports car. It looked beautiful and expensive. I stop on my tracks making Damien stop to look at me. “Is this car yours?” I ask, amazed.

“Yeah, anything wrong with that?”

“No , It looks expensive-” I say. Damien looked like a rich guy but come on, this ride is freaking expensive!

“It is, come on it doesn’t bite.” He pulls me again and opens the cardoor for me. He jogs around and enters into the driver’s seat.

“Can you at least tell me where we are going?” I ask hopefully.

“Nope, you’ll see.” He smirks and starts the car.

He drives for twenty minutes and finally pull over not after getting a lot of annoyed ‘are we there yet’ from me. “Here we are!” He hollers and swiftly removes his seatbelt.

“Finally!” I say, turning to look out the window and I gasp, “OH MY GOD!!! OH MY GOD!! OH MY GOD!” I squeal happily as I continuously look from a grinning Damien to the view in front of me.

Across the street from where the car is packed, was a big busy market filled with lots of people, not just people, Nigerians! The market was mainly Nigeria items and products. I watch happily at the hustle and bustle of the traders and buyers and it quickly reminds me of Lagos.

At the entrance to the market, there was a large billboard that read ‘Welcome to 9ja’




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