Chapter 3

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I open my apartment door and throw my bag on the couch. I go to the kitchen to prepare cereal, then I sit at the counter and chew without saying anything. But secretly, I want to track out Damien and kill him. Despite his good looks, he is excessively self-centered.

And eyes. My subconscience interjects.

Those beautiful eyes I could just get lost in. Imagine seeing love and tenderness in those beautiful orbs for me.

I shake my head furiously to get my head straight. I should be angry, heck, I should be furious but here I am thinking about his damn eyes. My phone vibrates beside me interrupting me from my thoughts. I pick it up and check the caller ID, Mum, it boldly shows.

Oh boy, I forgot to call her.

"e kaaro ma." I greet, "Mase ki mi!" She booms angrily, "Ah, why on earth did you not call me or your father when you got to New York, eh?" She rants, "Ah, this girl oh," My mum cries out.

"Ma binu eh iya. I was tired when I got to my house late," I sigh. "What about early the next morning?"

"I had early morning class and I have been busy since morning, I just got back," I massage my temple and I hear her sigh."Nawa, so how are you? How are you enjoying there?" She asks.

"I'm trying to get use to this place but i'm getting there," I reply, "I also have a roommate, her name is Melissa. She is really great and she would love to talk to my iya," I grin and she laughs.

"That's nice sweetie. I would love to talk to her too," She states, "So any luck hun?" She asks about my chance of getting a job.

"No ma, I will look for one when I'm fully settled indeed," I say. "Best of luck baby," She prays.

"Okay dear, till later. I need to set up dinner for your dad," At the sound of that, I realize how much I miss my mum's dishes and our local delicacies already.
"Iya?" I call and she hums, "I miss your food,"

"Aw bb, don't worry I will prepare your favorite when you come for the holiday," She promises and I thank her.

"Bye mum, kiss dad for me. I love you both,"

"We love you too, stay well. Bye dear," She ends the call and I sigh. I pick up my plate and drop in the dish washer. I hear a knock on the door, making me stiff.

It couldn't be him? or could it? Gosh, why am I being crazy about this guy? He doesn't know my address.

or does he? My subconscience interjects.

I shake my head. The fuck, I just met this guy today. Why am I being stupid?

The bell rings again, making me jump. Girl, you need to be straight. I give myself a pep talk. I walk to the door and swing it open revealing Lisa. I release the breath I didn't know I had been holding. "Damn girl you just gave me an heart attack," I exhale holding my chest. Lisa gives me a confused look.

"How?" I drag her, "I'll explain on our way, let's go," I keep dragging a confused Lisa out to the streets.


"I'm telling you Lisa, he is annoying and cocky," I say to Melissa as we take our seat in a coffee shop.

I told her everything but she keeps on smiling as if she knows something I don't. "I know, you have said that for the tenth time," She points out, "Do you like him?" She grins.

I give her a pointed look. "What do you mean?" She wiggles her eyebrows. "You supposedly had an 'heart attack'," She airquotes, "When I knocked, thinking it was Damien. And you have been talking about him for like thirty minutes now," She nods.

"Yeah, that's because I am complaining to you!" I shriek. "Uh-uh, sure you are," She winks.

Mentally, I frustratingly pull on my hair.

"You know what? I'm not gonna argue with you,"

"Yeah, because I'm right," She says and signals for the waiter, totally ignoring my glare.

She orders coffee for the both of us. Turning to me, she grins before averting her gaze to something behind me. I follow her gaze and my eyes land on a pair of gunmetal orbs. I quickly look back to Lisa, "Ignore him and he won't come her-"

"Hello ladies," He happens to interrupt me.

We look up and we are met with a smirking Damien. "Good of you interrupt me. I'm starting to think interrupting people is an habit," I say dryly. Lisa gives me a look.

What? I didn't say anything wrong.

Damien doesn't look fazed as he smirks smugly, "I think so too," He pulls a chair out and slumps on it. "I never asked you to sit," I glare.

"Yeah well, I didn't ask for your permission," He fires back.


Lisa watches us amusedly, she winks at me when our eyes meet. My eyes narrow into slits, "Hi, I'm Melissa," She introduces. They have a handshake and my eyes unknowingly drops to their hands. "I'm Damien and also her friend," He nods at me.

"You are not," I glare at him.

"Yeah, I know you," Lisa smirks, "Alex here told me a lot about you," She puts more emphasis on 'a lot' and I glare.

"Oh did she?" He looks to me, "Just this morning we met, chocolate, and you are already talking about me?" He smirks and I hiss.

"What are you doing here anyway? School is a thirty minutes drive from here," I ask, curious to know.

He shrugs, "Came to grab some coffee for someone," He raises a lunchpack that I didn't even notice, "And I came to apologize for earlier," He looks genuinely sorry.

"Apology still not accepted,"

"Oh come on, are you seriously insisting I should leave you alone?" He asks and I nod. He turns to Lisa for help and she shrugs, "Don't worry, she is just mad about earlier. She will get over it," She assures.

He nods, "Alright, I'll see you girls later," He stands up and leave the shop.

Lisa gives me a weird look, "Why did you act like that? You ain't like that." She points out. I sigh and shake my head, "You won't understand Lisa."

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