Chapter 5

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Its Saturday, Lisa and I don't have class today. Lisa is having her bath while singing and trust me, she won't be out anytime soon. I'm bored, and when I'm bored, I get frustrated and when I'm frustrated, I eat.

I walk to the kitchen to grab some cereals but found none in the fridge. There's literally nothing in the fridge! And I'm hungry. "I better go get some foodstuffs from the supermarket," I mumble. I grab my phone and credit card and walk towards the front door.

"Lisa! I'm stepping out for a while to get some groceries, we are out of food and I'm hungry. And don't do a whole concert in there!" I yell.

I hear the shower stop before seeing Lisa's head through the bathroom door, "Huh? She asks, confused.

I shake my head, "I want to go get grocery. we are out of food, and don't have a whole concert in there,"

"Oh okay, have fun. Don't worry about me, I will soon be out," She smiles sheepishly.

I raise an eyebrow, "Yeah right," I say knowingly. She grins and waves at me before closing the door. I hear the shower again and her singing. I smile and shake my head.

Going through the cereals line, I find my favorite cereal. Cornflakes. I pick up Lisa's favorite, oatmeal, and put them into the cart. I move to the fruits and pick up some bananas, apple, strawberries and put into the cart.

I push the cart to the beverages line. As I pick up the milk, I hear an all too familiar velvety voice. "Well, well, well... who do we have here?"

I missed that voice so much.

I turn to him, "Damien." His name just rolls out of my mouth before I can stop myself. His eyes lights up.

Those beautiful orbs.

"Seems like someone missed me," He chuckles and I roll my eyes.

"I never said that, it is just weird seeing you here after you disappeared for two weeks,"

"Ah! So you also know the period I've been gone? So sweet of you chocolate," He smirks.

I shake my head and continue with my searching while he follows behind quietly, "Don't you have something to buy?" I stop and turn to him.

He shrugs, "I have gotten what I want," I look at his hands tucked into his pockets. "I can't see anything Damien," I dryly say.

"Oh you can't see it, but I can," He looks at me strangely.

"Alright then," I continue picking stuff, "Can you tell me where you have been?" I ask curiously.

You can't blame me, I was worried and I missed him.

Yeah, screw me for that. He will never know though.

"Out of town," He shrugs and I stop.

"Doing what?"


"Stuffs like?" I press on.

"Stuffs Alexandra." He firmly says.

"Okay then," It is not my business anyway. I walk to the counter to pay. The lady behind the counter sums up the groceries and I give her my credit card. When she is done, she hands me my grocery receipt. I mutter a thank you and I turn to Damien. He looks lost in thought, his forehead creased, his eyebrows is drawn together. "Damien?"

He doesn't answer and I tap him a little, making him jump. His eyes meets mine before he visibly relaxes and I frown. "Are you okay?" I worriedly ask and he nods.

"Yeah, I'm cool," But his eyes tells me a different thing, the light in them were long gone. I quietly nod, it's not as if he would tell me anyway. "Alright then, I'm going home," I try walking away but he stops me by holding my hands. The touch sends a slight sensation all over my body and I quickly pull my hands out of his grip.

Damien looks stunned and I guess he felt it too, "I will see you in school," He finally says and walks away.


He is acting strange these past few days. He wanted to say something other than that, I can feel it.

With Damien on my mind and walking on the side walk, I collide with someone. I quickly step back, "Sorr-" The word gets stuck on my lips as I get a clearer look of the person. It's a man.

Damn, he is huge!

He had a tattoo on his neck in the shape of a man? I think. And another tattoo on his upper arm with an inscription Luciànò Àrgentinó. The look he gives me sends fear round my body, "Don't you see?" He grunts menacingly.

His voice had an Italian accent to it. He just sounds like those bad guys from those Italian movies or some shit like that. Although I'm scared as hell, I glare at him, "See me see wahala oh! Tope you have suffered," I want him to just leave me alone.

"Mr. man we are both passing the same side walk, see your lane see mine," I point out, "When you saw me walking absentmindedly, why you no dodge?" I ask him and the huge guy just glare down at me.

"The least you could do is apologize," He barks and I try to look unfazed. "Guy, I wanted to but you look like someone that would beat me up either way, abeg can you allow me to be going?" I hiss and walked pass him.

When I'm sure I have walked far enough, I turn around and see he wasn't there. "Nawa," I blow out a shaky breathe.


Third person's POV.

A dark lit room comes into view. The room had only a couch, a table and chair at a side with computer gadgets sprawled all over the table. A silhouette is seen on the couch with a stick of cigarette in hand. The door to the room is quietly opened and a huge man enters. He walks into the room and stops when he is face to face with the silhouette.

"Come é andata?" The silhouette asks in italian and the huge man nods.

"Molto bene," The silhouette puts the cigar to his lips and takes a drag before puffing smoke into the air, "Basta seguire il suo fino," He orders.

"Sì boss," The huge man nods and leaves the room.

The silhouette picks up his phone and dials a number, "Li stiamo osservando da vicino boss," He speaks into the phone.

"Very well," A man with an Italian accent can be heard before a beeping noise. The silhouette drops his phone and moves into light revealing green eyes.


The door swings open revealing a bathrobe Lisa, "God," I release a shaky breathe and enter the house. Lisa shuts the door and turns to me as I drop the grocery bags on the coffee table and slump on the couch.

"What's wrong Alex?" she worriedly asks.

I turn to her, "Lisa I've been gone for thirty minutes, don't tell me you just came out of the bathroom," I eye her and she smiles sheepishly, "Nah, so what's wrong?"

I tell her everything, from seeing Damien to how he behaved and the scary looking man. "I tell you Lisa the man looked scary," I finish.

"Don't worry about it Alex, it is just random New York freaks," She assures.

I nod slowly even though I don't believe he was an ordinary New York freak. He looked as if he wanted something from me. "Okay." I try to assure myself.



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