Chapter 7

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His gaze still serious, I try to form words. "I-i-I... wha-" At this point, my heart was beating fast, why? I couldn't explain.

Before I could say anything embarrassing, he burst out laughing. He laughs so hard that he falls off the chair, "Damn y-y-your fa-face!" He holds unto his stomach, "It was priceless." If it was not because I'm awestruck from his beautiful laughter, I would have smacked his head.

His laugh was so bubbly and full of life and it sounded like music to my ears.

"I see it amuses you to make a mockery of me, you idiot," I give him a pointed look.

He flashes me a heartwarming smile and my inside churns, "I'm sorry honey, but I wanted to see your reaction and I got one," he laughs, "You looked so flustered and conflicted," He chuckles.

"I'm going home Damien," I rip my hand off his grip, instantly feeling the absence of his touch and I try to walk away. Deep down, I was a little disappointed that it was a mere joke.

"I'm sorry Alex," he grabs my wrist and twirls me around so I could face him. I clash into his broad chest and I quickly take a step back. Being close to Damien, I realize he was way taller than me. Like very tall. My head just reaches his chest region and so I had to raise my head very high to meet his eyes.

"I really want to ask you about something," he starts off and I raise an eyebrow, indicating for him to continue, "Will you go out with me? For real this time."

My heart flutters, "Um-" I start.

Say No Temitope! You don't need this distraction again! Remember what happened last time! My brain screams at me.

"Uh-" I try again.

Go for it Tope! It doesn't hurt to try! My heart calmly tells me.

What am I going to say?

"Eh- I don't think that's a good idea judging from the fact that we are not even friends and we ain't fond of each other," I answer and he looks confused.

"What? We are frien- best buds," he failingly corrects himself when I shot him a look, "Look, I know we are basically strangers but I just want to be your friend, just see it as a friendly outing or something." He tries to convince me.

After some thinking, I sigh. "Okay," Damien visibly relaxes and grins, "You should do that more often, smiling and grinning, not your usual smirking," I tease and he smiles. "Is that a compliment miss Martins?" He asks.

I shrug, "You can say that."

So an outing with Damien?

Hanging out with Damien. What would go wrong?




"Hello." I say to the woman behind the desk. She looks up from her screen and flashes me a smile. "Hi, can I help you?" She asks politely. I notice she has a British accent.

"Yeah, I'm here about the part-time bakery job. I read about the vacancy and online," I tell her.

"You can have your sit while her phone my boss." She says picking up the telephone beside her. I nod and sit down on the chair close to the receptionist's desk.

I look around the small furnished reception office, the room contained two brown leather chairs close to the desk. On the desk, lay a beautiful flower vase. The walls are painted brown with milky color.

The reception building was different from the bakery shop. . . or should I say company?

The Glazer is a huge company and the best in NY. So I heard. They baked and sold the best bread, cakes, cupcakes and more to the richest people in New York. I was surprised when Lisa mentioned they were offering a part-time job to college students.

Speaking of Lisa, I haven't told her about my date with Damien- well friendly date. As he put it. Damien and I settled that he will come pick me up tomorrow, which is Sunday. So I will tell Lisa when I'm done with this interview.


I hear the receptionist call me. I look up to find her staring at me with her hand covering the down part of the telephone. "Yeah?" I reply.

"I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name."

"Alexandra Martins."

She nods and return to her call. Few seconds later, she drops the telephone and faces me. "Mrs. Gonzalez will see you now. Her office is the first door to your left." She smiles. I nod and smile gratefully at her.

I walk quietly to the door and knock. "Come in." I hear a familiar voice.

I enter the huge polished office and I excitedly look around. The office was so beautiful and it was as classy as the reception office. My eyes finally lands on the smiling woman behind a big table. "Mrs. Debbie!" I squeal.

She was the owner of the bakery? I think.

Silly me, I didn't actually check on the owner of the company.

"Alex dear, how are you?" she asks as she moved from her seat to hug me.

I haven't seen her since that day I arrived New York city. Even when she gave me her card, I didn't even call her and now I feel bad.

"I'm good ma, I missed you. I'm sorry I never called, I was trying to adjust to everything." I say apologetically.

"It's fine dear, I understand." She waves it off and I smile.

"Please come take a sit dear," She guides me to the chairs in front of hers and I gently take a sit.

She sits back down on hers, "You are here about the job, right?"

"Yes ma'am, I really can't be depending on my roommate for some things," I explain and she nods in understanding.

"Okay dear," she opens a file and read through it, "There is a vacancy for a baker, if you are capable?" she asks.

"Yes, I am."

I bake a lot, so it wouldn't be that hard.

"Alright then, you can start on Monday after lecture." She employs.

I squeal happily and I jump up to hug her across the table. "Thank you, thank you, thank you ma'am!" I say happily and she chuckles.

"You are welcome dear." I sit down back and we talk for a while, which consists of Debbie asking me of my opinion on New York, how lectures is going and my parents before I stand up to leave.

"Alright ma'am, I will be here on Monday. I will be taking my leave,"

"Okay dear, I'll see you on Monday. Take care." She says happily. I hug her one more time and leave, greeting the receptionist on my way out.





Short? I know. Please bear with me, I just spew out the little I have in mind.

QOTD- What do you like about Alex?🙃

Just fill me in.

Much love, Tessy🌹

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