Chapter 7 (1985)

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Both Faith and my mom are over the moon at the news of my so-called date. I didn't miss the high five they gave each other when they thought I wasn't looking. I can't help but smile. My dad on the other hand looks upset about it. "I'm almost twenty years old dad. I'm going to date. I dated before. I don't see what the big deal is." He frowns at me. "I just worry Destiny. Bringing a boy into the mix could end up setting you back." I throw my hands on my hips. "Or it could help me move forward. I sure as hell can't continue on the way I've been."

"Dave please," I hear my mom say from behind me. "Destiny has been so happy since she met Eric. I think he's been nothing but great for her." I can tell by my mom's tone that the conversation is over. At least for now. I spend my Saturday helping to clean. We go grocery shopping and I help cook. My mom even brought out the knives for the occasion. They've been locked up in a safe since I tried to off myself. Not once did the dark feelings take over. The lasagna was nearly done, and Eric would be here any minute. I'm nervous. I know the conversation I need to have with him tonight. It won't be easy. I need for him to know what he is getting into. If he can't handle it, he needs to back out now. I don't know if I can take losing him if we get closer. I didn't realize how much I liked him until facing that I could lose him.

I find myself pacing as I wait for him to get here. I feel a hand on my arm. I turn and find Faith smiling at me. "It will be fine Destiny. He must see how special you are. He won't walk away," she tries to assure me. "Faith lets be real. I'm a crazy mess. Why would anyone want to be with me." There's no chance for her to reply because the doorbell rings. I hurry to open it. Eric is standing there dressed in light denim jeans and a navy button up shirt. The sleeves are rolled up to his elbows. I can tell he tried to tame his messy hair. It looks damp so I figured he put some type of styling product in it. He looks gorgeous.

"Hi," I say. "Come on in," I tell him moving aside. He follows me into the living room where my dad and Faith are watching Wheel of Fortune. My dad stands up and I introduce them. Eric reaches out and shakes my dad's hand. "It's nice to meet you Mr. Daniels," he says as my dad motions for him to sit. "Please call me Dave," he says. He's smiling so I take that as I good sign. I introduce him to Faith who gives me a thumbs up when he looks away.

My dad and Eric are talking about football when my mom finally makes her way in to tell us dinner is on the table. I introduce Eric to my mom, and we head into the dining room. We sit and my mom serves up the lasagna. She made fresh bread to go with the salad Faith and I made. "It smells so good," Eric says. "Destiny helped make it," Faith tells him. He looks over at me and smiles. "It was the first time I was allowed a sharp knife since I got back from the nut house," I say half serious and half joking. I know Eric knows about me. Everyone at school knows I tried to off myself on more than one occasion. "Glad to see you only used it on the food," he says looking me in the eye and grinning. I grin back at him. I may have found the most wonderful boy in the world.

Dinner goes well. The food is good, and Eric seems to get along great with my family. I can tell Faith already has a crush on him, and I am starting to think my mom does also. Eric offers to help clean up, but my dad quickly steals him away. I can't help but wonder what they are talking about with me not in the room. I hurry to clean up so I can get in there before my dad says something that drives Eric away. "He seems really nice," my mom says as we load the dishwasher. "Cute to," she adds nudging me with her elbow. I smile. "He's pretty great so far," I say. The worry apparent in my voice. "It will be fine Destiny," she tries to assure me.

I don't know what my dad and Eric are talking about because they stop as soon as I walk into the room. This annoys me. I shoot my dad a dirty look as I ask Eric to follow me upstairs to my room. I forgot I share a room with Faith now. She's sitting on her bed reading. She looks up when we come in. "Can we have some privacy," I tell her. She nods and gathers her stuff to leave. She knows what I am here to do. I am here to tell Eric my story. At least the parts I remember. I sit on the bed and motion for Eric to have a seat also.

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