Discontinued (rewrite)

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Yes, you read the title correctly. It does in fact say that this story is discontinued, but it also says that it will be rewritten. 

This was one of my first fanfics and for someone who didn't know how to write fanfics, let alone a normal story, I consider this one pretty good. But, as time went on, I felt like I was just annoying people by saying I would post and then disappear before showing up 2 months later to post something that sucked. 

But I have plans to rewrite it. 

I don't know when, but I know that I want to and I owe it to you guys. I can't promise that it will be anything like this one as I don't really like the fact that it didn't make sense half of the time, so I'm sorry if you liked this one, but my writing style has changed and I don't want to make you guys wait for something that won't be quality. 

Also, I am going to leave this one alone from no on. This one will stay here, and the new one will be its own thing. Again, I'm sorry if you were expecting this story to continue, but I genuinely lost interest as my taste changed and I was practically forcing myself to post more. 

Thank you guys for sticking around, and I hope you stay just a little longer to read the brand new one when it comes out. Thanks for reading, and I'll see y'all in the next book.

Teague out!✌️

(Yes, I changed my name as I found that I like this one better and I don't exactly identify as a girl now🤷‍♂️)

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