Chapter 9

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It looked a lot like Virgil's room from Accepting Anxiety Part 1, but way scarier. Everything was either black, dark green, puke yellow, or dark purple with small hints of orange every now and then. I was about to walk around and investigate when I got hit in the back of the head by something heavy and possibly spiky.

After multiple attempts to go back to sleep, I figured getting up and investigating my new environment was a lot smarter. I quickly wiped the sleep from my eyes before getting to my feet. It took a second to gain my bearings, but once I did, I looked around the room. It looked sort of bare like a guest room or something. The room was a simple bedroom with a bookshelf of random books and picture frames decorating the walls. Each picture was either of Thomas or of his friends and family. He really does love his friends I guess. I was in the middle of thought when I heard a voice in what sounded like the next room over. It sounded like Thomas and- scratch that. It sounded like Thomas, the sides, and... me?

I went to open the door when I stopped myself and decided to eavesdrop on the conversation. "Of course we have to tell her! Why would we not tell her? She deserves to know." said one of the sides, and judging from the attitude and tinge of anxiety, it was probably Virgil. "I know Virge, but you know it's gonna be difficult for her to not only understand, but adapt. This is the first time I've ever heard of something like this happening. The fact that we existed in the first place is a mystery." said, from what I can guess, Logan. In the background of their conversation, I could hear whispers and side conversations from multiple different people, but I decided to ignore them.  'I wonder if the boys are talking about me?' I thought. I figured I had done enough snooping and opened the door. The whispers and arguing from next door immediately ceased. 

I took a deep breath in the doorway before turning and making my way to the door that was only feet away. I took no time to open the door. At first, all I saw was Thomas and the sides sitting on, what I can assume is, his bed. All of their mouths were open and some looked like they just got caught with their hands in the cookie jar. That's when I heard a laugh. One that I know came from none of the boys in front of me. It sounded very familiar, but the unknown culprit was hidden. They were behind the door as it had swung into the room when I opened it. I took a step forward and peeked around the door to reveal a pretty good surprise. Six carbon copies of myself standing next to each other with the same expressions as the boys. I just stood there staring at them. 'Was this Virgil's theory when we were sitting on the couch? How is this even possible? Where did they even come from? Who even are they? Why the hell do they look like me?'  My head swarmed with even more questions as I felt myself lose my footing. 

Before I started my descent to the ground, I was caught by someone. I looked up to see it was Virgil. I could practically feel the anxiety radiating from him. His eyes screamed what looked like guilt. I didn't understand why though. Why would he feel guilty? I decided to ask later and figure out what the hell is happening. Before I even opened my mouth, one of my copies took a step towards the both of us, as Virgil was still holding me in his arms. The copy was wearing one of the most comfortable outfits I own. It was black capris jeans, black ankle socks with Nike slides, and a Billie Eilish hoodie with a green beanie. I stared in awe and confusion. I decided to let whatever was about to happen, to happen. She looked at me and took a deep breath before speaking. "So, um... this is probably the most confusing and awkward encounter we've ever had, so I feel like I should explain what we know as of right now. From what all of us can gather, we," she motioned to the other five copies, "are your 'sides'. Like Thomas and his sides except... well, you." I just stayed silent before waving Virgil off of me. 

He opened his mouth, probably to argue, but I shot him a pleading look. He nodded almost somberly before helping me to my feet once again and making his way back to the other boys. I took yet another deep breath before facing my 'sides'. The thought itself didn't sound right to me, but I guess I don't really have a choice in that. I honestly didn't know what to ask first, so I went with the first question that came to mind. "What are your guys' names?" I asked. All of their expressions changed as well as Thomas and his sides' faces. Some looked more relaxed, some looked a bit confused, and some looked a bit happy at the question. It was an odd mix of expressions, especially when half of them are my own face. One of my sides was about to say something when they were disrupted by a loud bang. I turned to the noise that came from Thomas' side of the room. 


Okayyyy... So, sorry for the really long wait, but it's out now so no reason to be sad or anything. To be honest, I was going to write more for this chapter, but I'm in class right now and I just wanted to post this already. I actually had a really difficult time writing this chapter because I had so many ideas, but I stuck with this one and I hope it wasn't super obvious or cheesey. Anyway, thanks for reading and see you guys in the next chapter!

Natty out!✌️

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