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This is my favorite ship out of all of them 🥰

Ushijima's POV

Today when I was walking to school for practice I felt so much more......more..... more.....more.....more......EXCITED.
I think it was because my crush on Tendou that was getting to me. My crush started when I met him basically, he has a great personality always making me feel better and somehow is the only person that can make me laugh. I am not sure if he's gay but I am going to confess to Tendou that I really that I really love him.

Tendou's POV

The entire walk to school for practice I was thinking about Wakatoshi-kun and just how beautiful he is. I always wanted to just make him show emotion to me but he never did, I made him laugh once and it was AMAZING. That day I almost died because it was the best thing in life, if only I can make him blush this time.

Ushijima: Another day of practice *Walks up to gym slowly*

Tendou: WAAA....KAAA.....TOOO......SHHH....III.......KUUUUUUUN *Runs to him*

Ushijima: TENNNN....DOOOOU..... *Turns to face Tendou*

Tendou: Agh *Stops running and Grips heart through shirt* My....h....h.....heart

Ushijima: Tendou are you alright *Pats back*

Tendou: That was the most adorable thing ever Wakatoshi-kun

Ushijima: Thanks Tendou *Blushes with straight face* -/////- (How he's gay)

Tendou: Are you alright your face is red  *Places back of hand on Ushijima's forehead* and very hot

Ushijima: Yeah I am fine *Grabs hand on forehead* Let's go now practice starts soon

Then Ushijima started walking to the gym door but didn't realize he was holding Tendou's hand because he forgot to let go when he moved it from his forehead.

Ushijima: *Opens gym door* Tendou let's practice a few receives today *Continues to hold hand while walking to team*

Tendou: Ok Wakatoshi-kun *looks at the hand holding Ushijima's* ^////^

Semi: Hello Ushijima, hello Tendou ready for pra.............. AWWW YOU'RE HOLDING HANDS THAT IS JUST SO ADORABLE

Tendou: Ack *Hides face with other hand* BE QUIET SEMISEMI YOU STUPID DUMBASS

(The coach)Tanji: Tendou that's 50 serves for you, I have told you no more cursing

Tendou: *Sigh* Ok coach sorry

Ushijima: Tendou why didn't you tell me earlier *Continues to hold hand*

Tendou: Because your grip is so strong, but not to were it hurts, and you looked happy when you grabbed my hand

Ushijima: Mmm.......Okay *Pulls Tendou closer* Tendou *Starts to cry*

Tendou: Wakatoshi-kun what's wrong

Ushijima: lets go outside really quick

Tendou: Of course *Holds hand and walks outside* We will be back really quick coach

Tanji: Just hurry those balls aren't gonna serve themselves

Tendou: Yes coach *Leaves gym*

Semi: Ok we need a plan to get them together

Goshiki: Let's play.......POCKY

Shirabu: Seriously Pocky Goshi

Goshiki: Fine what should we do

Haikyu (One shots)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя