Coming Out

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- The one where Harry comes out to you.

He had been nervous all day. Chewing away at his nails, chipping the already chipped polish away. He cried. A lot. He didn't want you to hate him, he just wanted you to accept him. He had planned it out in his head a million times, but today was the day. He was really going to tell you.

He made you dinner to come home to after work, cauliflower steak with mashed potatoes and a raw vegan cheesecake. You loved his vegan cooking so he thought it would give him some leverage.

But hearing the door open made his heart beat twenty times faster than normal. You were home.

"Hi, bubba." He murmurs, coming to kiss you and instantly a smile appears on your face.

"Hey." You put your bag down next to the door and take your hair down. "Oh god that smells good." You laugh, kissing his cheek.

"Just let me get changed and we can eat, yeah?" He nods, watching you walk upstairs.

He had practically pulled his hair out while you were getting changed. His emotions were all over the place. He was scared and vulnerable. Not a good mix for Harry.

"I'm starving." You walk down in one of Harry's shirts and pyjama shorts. He doesn't say anything, just sits in his normal spot and stares at you. "H, stop staring." You laugh, sitting down at the table.

"Sorry, you're just pretty." He murmurs, his cheeks tinting pink.

"Shut up." You hide your face in your hands making Harry laugh.

Harry had been dreading the moment you'd finish eating. He knew he'd have to tell you, he just didn't want to. You could tell something was up, you've been dating him for three years know when Harry's upset.

He goes to bring your plates into the kitchen but pauses, "do you want more? I can grab you-"

"H," You stand up and take the plates from him, putting them back on the table and wrapping your arms around his neck, smiling a soft smile. "Tell me what's wrong, yeah?"
And that's all it took for Harry to start bawling for the tenth time today.

"Y-You're gonna hate me!" He rests his head in the crook of your neck and wraps his arms around you tighter than ever.

"I could never hate you, bubba. You know that." You murmur in his ear, kissing his hair. "Come on, tell me what's wrong."

"You're gonna hate me!" He repeats while your face goes pale and your own tears spill out.

"Who is she?" you mutter and Harry pulls away.

"What? Who?" He's confused now but his tears still fall. "Who's who?"

"Y-You cheated on me?" You murmur, trying to wipe away your tears. "W-Who was it?" Your bottom lip trembles and you stare at the floor.

"I didn't cheat! I'm bisexual!" Your eyes follow up to his face and a look of fear is written all over it. "Don't hate me." He murmurs before he starts crying again. "I l-love you, don't hate me." You pull him back in for a hug and sigh.

"I know, baby." You murmur slowly and he pulls back once more. "I've known for a while now." You give him a soft smile.

"W-What?" He frowns, staring at you in confusion.

"Catch you lookin' at guys all the time." You giggle softly, watching his features soften. "You're still the same Harry I fell in love with three years ago, I just have both genders to compete with now." You watch a small smile etch itself onto his pink lips. "That is if you still want to be with me?" You ask slowly and watch him nod while letting out a breath you didn't know you were holding. "Thank God." You mutter, letting your head rest against his chest.

"I only want you." He murmurs. "I love you."

"I love you more, H." You press a kiss to his clothed chest and smile. "Wan'a put on a movie?"

"The Notebook?" He asks hopefully and you nod, laughing.

"The Notebook."

And so the two of you watched the notebook, cuddled up in bed.



please remember that this is just a oneshot.

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