same bed

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-The one where he asks you to move in.

"Hey, lovey." Harry kisses you on the cheek while he takes your overnight bag from you and places it on the bench in the front foyer of his home. He leans in to give you a short and sweet hug while letting you in and closing the door behind you.

"Hi." You give him a sweet smile and take your slides off. Harry had bought you the Gucci slides from the Bloom collection as part of your birthday gift not too long ago; They're practically the only thing you wear now. It's like you have a piece of him everywhere you go, especially when he's on the road and travelling.

"I'll bring your stuff upstairs and you can pick a movie to watch?" You and Harry never really went out to restaurants or anything. You tried once, but he got swarmed with girls and the paparazzi. You were labelled as a fling and that was the first and last time you guys went out together.

It didn't bother you per say, but you wished you could have at least one nice meal out with your boyfriend, without girls screaming and people snapping pictures of you.

When Harry came back down you had chosen the movie 'the f word' and Harry snickered. you had watched this movie together almost six times now and even though he was getting tired of it, you loved it so that meant he did too.

"Popcorn?" You shook your head 'no'. You just wanted a cuddle, and so did he.

The two of you got comfy, your legs stretched out on his and his arms around you while you were sat in his lap. "Pretty girl." He kissed the spot just below your ear as the movie started playing. Your head rested on his shoulder and you sighed. "I love you." He whispered to you while continuing his small kisses on your neck. They were innocent kisses, he knew you were tired and he wanted nothing more than a movie night with his girl.

"I love you." You turned your head to kiss his lips. You were struggling to keep your eyes open throughout the movie because of how tired you were from work, but you stayed awake.

The movie was soon over and when it was, Harry gave you a small squeeze before picking you up with his hands on your bottom, making you wrap your legs around his waist, and took you upstairs. You weren't asleep, but you were close to sleeping.

"My sleepy girl." You nuzzled your face into the crook of his neck while he whispered softly into your ear.

"Sing to me while I brush my teeth?" Your voice was small and Harry's heart fluttered at this.

"Of course. Pick a song." He set you down in his washroom, grabbing your toothbrush from his overnight bag for you to brush your teeth. He grabbed his as well and set it off to the side.

"End of the Day." You tell him before wetting your toothbrush, spreading a glob of toothpaste on it, and wetting it again. He clears his throat and you start scrubbing your teeth while his hands go around your waist.

"I told her that I loved her, was not sure if she heard. The roof was pretty windy, and she didn't say a word." He sang softly in your ear and your body shivered softly in his touch. You adored his singing. "Party dying downstairs," He rested his face in the crook of your neck and continued. "Had nothing left to do, just me, her, and the moon." He was singing still but his voice was almost a whisper. He was just as tired as you were.

Once he was finished the song, you spit the last of the toothpaste out and rinsed your mouth, putting your toothbrush in the toothbrush holder. "I'm going to go get changed." You kiss his cheek and he pouts. You snicker and press your lips to his while his hands move your hips, squeezing a little.

"I love you." He pulls away and grabs his toothbrush.

"I love you too." You kiss his cheek one more time and walk out of his bathroom, into his room. You grab one of his black t-shirts from his drawer and a pair of grey sweatpants and change. Harry always liked you in his clothes. When you'd bring your own clothes he'd hide them from you so you had no other choice but to wear his, so you stopped bringing your own and started bringing a toothbrush and a fresh pair of underwear and a bra just in case you needed to take a shower, and lastly your face products.

Oneshots; Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now