Sugar | part two

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- The one where Harry is your sugar daddy but you both secretly want more | Part Two

8 months later

You spot him on your way out of a lecture, his eyes scanning the crowd of people before they land on you. He smiles while watching a smile form on your face as well. You walk towards him, his arms engulfing you in a hug. You hear the shuttering of cameras going off but neither of you could care. He's your boyfriend and you're his girlfriend, you have nothing to be ashamed of.

"Mmm, hi lovey." He whispers in your ear, trying to keep your conversation private as there are close to a hundred people watching the two of you. "Mmm, hi baby." You giggle. You lean up to kiss his cheek but he turns his head so you catch his lips instead. Your face beats bright red and he snickers, knowing you're not totally comfortable with PDA yet.

He opens the passenger door for you and helps you in before closing the door and walking over to his side, climbing in himself and putting his seatbelt on. "How were classes today?" He waits for the light to turn green then slowly moves out of his parking space and onto the main roads, making a left.

"The usual," you reply while slipping your coat off before putting your seatbelt on. "Ooh, I got that paper back!" You refer to the paper he had helped you on just a couple weeks ago. The two of you were awake until four in the morning, writing this stupid paper. You had told Harry numerous times that he could go to bed but he refused to until you were done with the assignment.

"How'd we do?" His right hand finds yours while his left stays on the wheel. You squeeze his hand, looking over and smiling at him. "Seriously how'd we do?" He snickers, making another left.

"Ninety-" you pause for a dramatic effect. "Eight-" another pause. "Percent." You whisper, waiting for his reaction.

"You're fucking joking! Where the fuck is my other two percent!" He pretends to be mad, making you giggle in your seat. "Dammit!" He slams his hand against the steering wheel and can't help the smirk on his face.

"Congratulations, baby." He stops at the red light and leans over to kiss your cheek. "So, sooo proud of you." He smiles against your skin, inhaling your scent slowly. "Smell so pretty." He whispers before the light turns green and he has to start driving again, which distracts him from the blush on your face. He smiles, bringing your hand up to his lips and pressing a soft kiss on your knuckles like you did to him.

The ride back to Harry's house is quick and soon the two of you are cuddling on his couch in sweats while watching Friends.

"Mmm, I could stay like this forever." He presses a soft kiss to your temple while placing one of his legs over the both of yours and nibbling on your neck softly. To most, this would seem like a sexual gesture, but trust is this is just Harry expressing his feelings for you.

He's always been touchy-feely towards you, whether it be nibbling on your neck or your wrists or your tummy or your thigh. He's always showing you how much you truly matter to him in one way or another, however most of the time it is him softly sucking on your skin. He enjoys the feeling of your milky skin on his lips and truth be told, it makes him feel closer to you.

"Me too, bubba." You whisper, your hands combing through his curls. He's let his hair grow down to his shoulders again and his curls are bouncier than ever. You've always loved playing with his hair when it was short but now that it's finally long again, you find it hard to keep your hands out of his hair.

"Then why don't you move in with me?" Your actions stop, Harry lips coming undone from your collarbone as his eyes find yours, searching for an answer somewhere.

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