Chapter 20 - Losing Control

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Everything was a mess and Ricky was having a hard time wrapping his head around all this new information.

First, Damon was MUCH stronger than he had ever imagined. He recalled that the man was from a long line of demon lords, so that could explain some things. After all, Ricky had never met a demon lord himself, so for all he knew they normally were that powerful.

Second, his secret was going to be found out. Even if Damon denied claiming Ricky, they would consider him claimed regardless. The associates at the office would definitely recognize the possessive actions that Damon made, and with such a massive display of power, there'd be no chance of anyone refuting him. 

Refuting essentially happened when a demon was claimed and they either fought back or someone else more powerful challenges that demon. It was very doubtful that there was anyone else in the entire city who could counter the raw power that Damon displayed though.

Ricky's mind was reeling as he tried to think over the consequences of today's events. Since the associates were sure to tell Mr. Dalton, that meant his supervisor and Mr. Boyd would also hear, so they'd expect him to bring it up himself on Monday. That or they'd expect Ricky to simply disappear since some demons were that adamant on their claims and would quickly upturn their mate's lives in the blink of an eye. 

He had to call and make sure they knew he could still work. They'd most likely ask a few questions, like how long he was going to be allowed to stay and such. Hopefully once he explained his situation they would understand.

Currently, Ricky was seated on one of Damon's knee's with an arm wrapped around his waist. The two of them were in the back of Hector's car. Hector himself was driving quietly with the radio off. Damon held Ricky carefully as he gazed out the window, refusing to make direct eye contact. They drove like this for at least ten minutes before Ricky's legs began cramping.

Struggling, Ricky tried to get off Damon's knee, only to have the guy grasp him more securely. What was his deal?

Then it hit him. After over a month of what could technically be considered 'courting', Damon's possessive instincts were kicking in and putting him on edge. That would also explain the sudden fight in front of the building. Seeing that Warmonger insult Ricky must have set him off.

Glancing up, Ricky tried to get a closer look at the guy's eyes, but Damon still refused to face him.    

"Ummm...Can I sit up?" Ricky asked shakily.

He was still terrified, but he also had a little voice at the back of his head reminding him that Damon was a good guy. Ricky just had to calm down, which was hard to do when he was being strong armed like this.

Damon grunted, his grip unyielding. It was Hector who had to speak up for him. "You may have to deal with it for a little bit." His voice was quiet. "I've never seen him like this, but I know he won't hurt you. I'll find someplace to park and see if I can get him to relax."

He nodded, knowing that Damon's possessive instincts kicked into overload earlier, so he probably needed Ricky's presence to confirm everything was alright, kind of like a child with a teddy bear.

Ricky swallowed hard. His leg cramp was getting unbearable at this point and all he wanted to do was shift around a little.

Hesitantly, Ricky reached up and started patting Damon's arm, then leaned his head willingly against the man's chest. It felt embarrassing to do this, but he knew that showing affection would help ease the his possessive instincts.

The movement resulted in a slight rumble in Damon's chest, then his other arm wrapped more tightly around Ricky's waist, slipping him off his knee and holding Ricky up against his body. Ricky was now seated between the man's legs and facing forward, much like one would do with a child. He then felt Damon bury his head in the crook of his neck as he continued his protective noises.

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