Chapter 7 - The Fair

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"Holy cow...." David exclaimed. "You guys did some kinky shit huh?"

Ricky and David were standing in Ricky's living room, arms folded, staring at the torn up couch. He'd have to dig into his savings to replace it.

"Don't suppose you know anyone giving away free furniture?" Ricky asked skeptically.

"Not unless you're willing to risk getting a bedbug infestation."

David was one of Ricky's human friends from years ago. He was moderately attractive for a human. He had a small build, short black hair, dark brown eyes and a deceptively cherubic face. Not long after his fall out with Chris, he had started drinking heavily and made multiple poor decisions. During that time, David was in the same boat. They had bonded over broken hearts and whisky. After Ricky got his act together, he also tried to help David, but the little human still tended to go bar hopping and gambling every chance he got. More often than not, Ricky would have to lend him money just so he wouldn't get kicked out of whatever third rate apartment he was staying at. He still enjoyed David's company though. Despite his flaws, he was a good guy.

A fun fact about demon society is that lower ranked demons lived in a different world from the high ranks. Ricky, for example, lived a practically human life. He worked with, lived with and even hung out with humans. High ranks however, were only interested in working with other demons. It was a tactic for climbing the social ladder. Sure, Ricky could have abandoned all the humans he knew, moved to a demon neighborhood and tried to force his way into the all-demon society, but at the end of the day he needed a break from the haughty air of self important old bloods. Putting up with people like the Mendova's twenty-four seven would have driven him insane.

"Alright, help me get this out of here will you?" Ricky ordered as he went to pick up one end.

"I thought demons had super human strength?"

"That's a crock of shit and you know it."

"True. You do have noodle arms. Guess those gym visits haven't been....Working out...For you?" He laughed at his own joke and Ricky just rolled his eyes.

Together, they managed to drag the couch down the stairs and to the dumpster. As they stopped to catch their breath, the old lady that occupied the apartment next door came out and called down to him.

"Ricky boy? Is that you?"

"Good morning Mrs. Welsh! Yes it is!" Ricky replied.

"Are you alright? I heard some awful noises coming from your apartment last night."

David muffled a bout of laughter and Ricky slapped him on the shoulder. Being a demon, his moans sounded more like someone being exorcised. "Yes Mrs. Welsh. Just had a friend over. Sorry if we made too much noise. I'll make sure it doesn't happen again."

"Well alright dear. As long as you're okay." She nodded shakily, turning to reenter her own apartment.

"Stop laughing." He ordered David, who's face was turning a wide array of colors as he continued to laugh uncontrollably.

His phone suddenly vibrated, and he looked down to see he had a text from an unknown number. Unlocking the screen, the message read, 'Let me know if you ever need help with anything'. Definitely Damon.

"What?" David asked, peeking over Ricky's shoulder.

"It's that guy I told you about." Ricky explained.

Last night, after recollecting himself, he had essentially kicked Damon out. Damon was confused as hell since Ricky had given him permission to do everything, but once his lust filled mind had calmed down, Ricky realized he had allowed things to go too far with the man and insisted on being alone afterwards.

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