Chapter 1 - Reunion

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"Mr. De'stat! So good to see you!"

"Thank you sir! It's great to see you too!" Ricky shot his signature dazzling smile and shook the other man's hand.

They were both wearing sleek black suits, standing in a corner office of a rather large building in the heart of the city. The mahogany desk gleamed as the sunlight beamed in from the windowed backdrop, with Ricky's gold plated name tag at the front. A computer, printer, pencil sharpener, file folder, and pencil cup were stationed there as well.

"I hope it's to your liking." The man smiled proudly.

"Oh most definitely Mr. Boyd!" Ricky walked over and inspected the wood grain on his new desk.

"Ma-HOgany." He said the word in an odd manner, referencing an inside joke between him and the director.

"Ma-HOgany." Mr. Boyd replied in the same odd accent, then giggled. "Well, I hope you enjoy your promotion Mr. VP. Maybe join in a few more business dinners now, eh?"

"Sir, I'd attend a dinner at a restaurant in Chernobyl if it means keeping this fine looking beauty over here." He slid his hand over the desk. "Or this pretty lady." He sat in his new office chair and spun around.

Mr. Boyd laughed again, his bulging belly jiggling. "Weirdo."


The man shook his balding head. "Well, I'll let you go now. Just wanted to show you your new office before you had to move your stuff in tomorrow."

"And I appreciate that." Ricky stood up and straightened his blazer. "The 30th floor is a lot more confusing to navigate than the 2nd floor cubicles are. Reminds me of a maze. You wouldn't happen to have some sort of bull monster running around eating people up here do you?"

"Not anymore. You're his replacement."

"Then I shall take this mantle with pride." He held his hand over his heart and put on a serious face, then walked the director out of the office.

"Oh, by the way," Mr. Boyd paused as they entered the elevator. "You're going to pick up some new clothes right? Gotta look good for the new job." He eyed Ricky's suit, which, while sleek, wasn't name brand like Director Boyd's was.

"With that gift card the company gave me, I might as well."

The two departed from the office and Ricky found himself alone. He made sure to shoot a smile at every passerby he met, strolling lazily down the sidewalk. It was a beautiful day out, so he figured he might as well enjoy it on his way back to the hotel, but when he arrived he found that he didn't quite want to go in yet.

"Would you like me to get you a taxi sir?" The concierge boy asked as he stood outside the hotel.


The gift card he'd gotten was for Neiman Marcus, and it had a rather large sum on it. Sure, he'd have preferred to get a bonus instead, but his new connections in the company had insisted he start wearing more name brand clothes. This was just their way of forcing it on him.

He arrived at the store, which was larger than most, and a rather attentive worker immediately started showing him their best clothing lines. Ricky struggled to maintain his smile, and as the day wore on, he was getting more and more exhausted.

Despite his current status, the past seven years had not been kind. When he first moved, he had to spend all his savings to afford his new apartment. Then, he drowned himself in work and spent his spare money on alcohol and gambling. He once had a rather unfortunate night in Las Vegas where he took a whole week to get over his hangover and found himself indebted for some damage he had apparently caused, but didn't quite remember. To this day he was still paying it off. He quit drinking after that.

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